Not Ready

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Rachel's p.o.v.

Alex wakes up and notices I'm also awake.

"Hey." He says in his low morning voice. I try to say hi back but all that comes out is a unrecognizable hoarse type of hi.

Alex's p.o.v.

I can tell she's shocked when she hears her own voice. So was I. I just hold her hand tighter to try to comfort her. It seemed to work because she smiled. I hope she doesn't remember what happened or why.

"So... Why are you here? I expected no one to care. Who found me?" She remembers. I get a little worried and she seems to sense my nervousness and grips my hand slightly. .

"I found you. And I know I don't know you that much but... what happened? Why'd you try to... you know..." she just looks at me with sad eyes

I get up and sit on the bed with her never taking my hand from hers.

She gets a little shaky. She curls up in my arms and I hold her tight, but not to tight to hurt her.

"They were together behind my back." She takes a shaky breathe. "I thought something was up. So I asked to borrow my friends car and I followed him. He said he was going to his parents and went to the park instead. I saw them. All over each other. I thought I loved them. I thought they loved me. But if they loved me, why would they do this?"

She's bawling now. I wish I never asked her. Why am I so stupid? I just reminded her of why she tried to kill herself.

I hugged her and didn't let her go. She wiped her face and looked up at me.
"Thank you." she said.

"For what?" I asked.

"Being here. And helping me." I think I'm starting to like her.

"Anytime." I smile.

"I wish this could last forever." She says I blush and she laughs.

Rachel's p.o.v.

I think I like him. But I'm not ready for another relationship after what just happened.

This is just all too much to deal with. Just thinking about it I broke down into tears. Alex is cuddling with me. Holding me. Comforting me. He barley knows me. To think he would be so nice just to even show up.

And to save me from myself.

"Shhhhh..... Darling you'll be okay." He says. I just look at him and giggle.

"Did you just really quote Pierce The Veil?!?" I ask.

"Yes, in fact I did. Just for you." He says and kisses my forehead. I look back up at him.

"Alex, I'm sorry I'm just n-not ready for this. It's just too much. Give me a little time. But to be honest I do really like you. It's just... hard to explain." I say.

"I totally understand. I'm sorry." he says now he looks sad but understanding.

"No it's fine." I say.

"No it's not. After what just happened. I'm so sorry I should have known not to get too close." He says. I don't know what to say. He so sweet. I just can't. Not yet.

So I hope you've enjoyed this so far. Feedback would be nice to see what you guys think and if I should even write anymore.

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