Catch Me I'm Falling For You

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Rachel's p.o.v.

So we were all chilling until me and Eli noticed Alex and Faith  have been in the bathroom for a while.

Faith claimed that if she didn't go pee, her bladder was going to burst.

Alex showed her the way to the bathroom and they've both been gone for about 10 minutes.

"Hey they've both been gone for a while now. Maybe I should go check on them." I say winking.

"Nah I'll go check." Eli says and laughs at my stupidity. I smile. He  knows how lazy I am.

Eli's p.o.v

I get halfway up the stairs when I hear something fall. I start running up the stairs.

I hear the noise coming from the bathroom. I open the bathroom door. I see Faith and Alex making out.

Faith is sitting on the sink and Eli is in between her legs. Wow. I knew this would happen. Alex is the hot, irresistible guy that every girl wants.

"Well, look at what we have here." I say like a disappointed parent.

They immediately tore themselves off each other and stared at me with wide eyes.
"Ohmygod." Faith says. then Rachel comes in.

"What happened? Is everything ok?" She asks clearly happy and winking again.
"Nothing. Everything is fine." Faith says.

"They were just making out all over the place." I say.

Autumn and Alex's face turned the darkest shade if red I've ever seen.

Rachel just laughs.

"So are you guys dating now?" I ask.

"Erm.. if she wanted'd be cool with me." Alex says looking at Faith.

"Yeah. I'm cool with it." Faith says blushing.

"So you guys are officially dating!" Rachel looks excited. "we can all get together on a double date tonight! I already decided on what were doing and no one is going to change my mind. We are going to get some Starbucks, go home with our coffee, get under covers on the couch with pillows, get in our pajamas, cuddle, and watch Netflix."

"Sounds like a plan!" Faith and Rachel bro fist and walk to the car.

"I guess you're coming with us." I say to Alex. He just laughs, nods his head and walks toward the car.

Faith and Alex get in the back while I drive and Rachel is shotgun. They start to kiss.

"Now is not the appropriate time to suck face." Rachel says seriously.

I chuckle then Faith flips off Rachel still sucking Alex's face.

Rachel chuckles, shakes her head and plays My House by Pvris.

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