Chapter 1: Breakfast

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"Good morning, Chef!" I said, as I walked in the kitchen.
"Good morning to you as well, Kenna." He smiled as I walked in. "Big day tomorrow!"
"Is it weird that I'm a little nervous?" I asked as I grabbed an apron and started moving around the kitchen.
"Yes it's only natural that you're feeling nervous. You're turning twenty one finally. It's time to find your mate." He replies, giving me a knowing look.
Alphas and Betas found their mates at age eighteen but lower status wolves had to wait until they were twenty one. I could hopefully find my mate tomorrow. My nerves were a wreck.
"I'm excited too. You know I've been saving up for this for a long time." I said with a laugh. "Meet my mate and go on this amazing vacation to get to know each other."
"Yeah yeah yeah." He started laughing with me. "You're such a romantic."
"Oh whatever! I know for a fact that I saw you buying flowers the other day." I poked him in the side. "I know enough about you to know that there was no special occasion."
"Well maybe I just wanted to buy my mate flowers." He mumbled. "Flowers on Tuesday earn me brownie points."
"Sure." I said, dragging out the word. "It had absolutely nothing to do with just wanting to see Lisa smile?"
"Why are we wanting to see me smile?" Lisa said as she walked in the kitchen. Chef immediately broke out in a wide smile.
"Oh we were talking about how he bought you flowers the other day just to see you smile." I said back.
"Really?" She asked with a wicked grin. Chef just smiled and nodded. "It wasn't because you wanted brownie points, right Matt?"
I barked out a laugh and covered it with a cough. Chef looked terrified. She laughed and patted him on the shoulder as she walked by.
"Don't worry, babe." She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. "Brownie points were earned." He turned and kissed her deeply.
"Gross! I'm still here guys!" I yelled. We all started laughing together. Slowly we began cooking. It was about time for breakfast in the main pack house.
Soon enough, we were in the steady rhythm of things. The three of us always danced around each other with ease. Food started piling up and before we knew it, we were done. One by one we brought plates of food out to the dining hall while people started lining up.
This was my favorite time of the day. People greeted us with smiles and small talk. I watched as everyone piled up their plates and sat down. Everyone was waiting on the alpha. The room quieted when he walked in. The big bad alpha of the Crescent Pack. The man screamed power.
"Good morning, Alpha Damon." I said cheerily. A grunt was the only response I got. Just like always. I never let it bother me. He was always like that. Following close behind him was the woman everyone knew would be the Luna. Mate or not. "Good morning to you as well, Edda." She gave a fake smile and grabbed her plate.
Edda was a low rank wolf but her father was famous in our huge pack. She was always with the alpha. Once they sat down everyone started eating. I shook my head at chef and Lisa. They both shared a look and quietly laughed with me.
"We can take it from here, Kenna. Go ahead and eat." Lisa said with a smile. "We'll see you on Monday. Enjoy your birthday weekend." I leaned in and planted a kiss on her cheek. Chef waved me off and handed me a plate.
"Morning, Kenna." My best friend, Marie, said with her mouth full.
"You're such a heathen. Don't talk with your mouth full." I laughed at her. She's been my best friend since we were kids. Always by side.
I listened to the chatter from my friends while I ate. I watched Chef and Lisa as they moved around the buffet area. My parents died when I was young and they took me in. They were always there for me and I wanted to the love they had.
"Are you done, Ken?" Marie asked. "We gotta plan your birthday night."
"Sure lets go." We said bye to the others and left the dining hall. I noticed the alpha watching me. And Edda watching him with a glare. The last thing I saw was guy sitting in the corner, looking absolutely broken.

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