Chapter 8: Alpha

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    I watched as Kenna stormed off with the alpha hot on her heels. Her light brown hair bouncing as she walked. These past couple of days with her had been good. I didn't realize how much I needed a friend who understood what I was going through. Not until she barreled into my life. I couldn't help but chuckle thinking about what just happened with the alpha. No doubt she's giving him an earful. For someone so small, she sure is a firecracker.
    I still couldn't believe I had agreed to on vacation with someone I hardly knew. But I was glad that I said yes. Getting to know her had been the most fun I'd had in awhile. I honestly liked that she was so persistent and spent time with me while I worked. Though I did catch her staring at me from the kitchen window a couple days ago. That made River go crazy.
    After cleaning up my workspace, I went back to the small cabin I stayed in. It belonged to my parents, but wasn't being used by them since they were traveling at the moment. As soon as I got out of the shower, there was a knock on my door. I quickly got dressed and opened the door to see Alpha Damon standing there. He walked in without me saying anything.
    "May I ask why you're going out of town with Kenna?" He asked, crossing his arms. This was his signature stance.
    "She asked if I wanted to go with her and I told her yes." I replied, also crossing my arms.
    "I didn't know you two were even friends." He said, sarcasm dripping from him.
    "I didn't know you cared about her." I snapped back. A look of anger flashed across his face.
    "I would just like to know why you're so interested in her all of a sudden. You two seemed to be buddied up out there." He said. "Taking advantage of her in her state?"
    "Are you fucking kidding me right now?" I nearly yelled. He opened his mouth to speak but I wasn't done. "You rejected her! Why do you care what she does now? She can move on in anyway she wants to. She doesn't need your permission. And no, I am not taking advantage of her. She approached me about going on this vacation. You stole my mate, shattered Kenna's heart, and now you're coming at me like this? Are you serious right now?"
    The silence that followed was almost unbearable. His nostrils flared and I could feel the anger rolling off of him. I didn't care how angry he was by what I said. He needed to hear it. He didn't say anything. After a very long minute, he walked out of my cabin. Slamming the door behind him.
    Once the door closed, I breathed a sigh of relief. When my phone chimed, it startled me a bit. It was a text from Kenna, telling me about a party at Marie's house. I told her I'd be there and started pulling out clothes to pack. No doubt I really needed this vacation now.

. . .

    I stood with Zane while we watched the girls dance in the large group of people. Both of them were extremely intoxicated. Zane was a pretty cool guy. I didn't have any friends here but I could easily consider him a friend. The girls came over and I watched as Marie drug Zane away to dance. I saw the pain written all over Kenna's face. She was happy for her friends but she longed for that kind of love.
    I started to carry her back inside so she could sleep. This was the most entertaining part of the night. It was so easy to be myself with her. When I got her in the bed and covered up, I paused when I heard her sigh.
"I just want you know that you're already a big part of my life. I'm grateful for you." She whispered. River was going wild inside my head.
"I'm grateful for you too, Kenna." I couldn't help but just stare at her. She was quite beautiful. I reached over and softly brushed the hair away from her forehead. "Thank you."

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