Chapter 24: Freed

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    I was currently sitting on a plane with Zane and Marie. Zane called Alpha Damon and told him that he was escorting me home. We didn't want any drama stopping Zane from being able to go into pack lands. I called Jack's phone several times but it went straight to voicemail. The last message I left, I briefly explained everything. I didn't know if he was listening to the voicemails but I had to try.
    "Damon said that he wants us to meet in his office as soon as we land." Zane said. "We'll try to get in and out."
    "It probably won't be that simple. Jack said that Edda told him it didn't work. Since she called him, I'll bet Damon tries the same thing with me." I explained.
    "We'll be there for you. Just remember that." Marie said, squeezing my hand.
    We kept casual conversation the rest of the way. Once we were off the plane, Zane called for a car and we headed to the pack. As soon as we were there, we went straight for the pack house and up to Damon's office. I knocked quietly and waited for an answer.
    "Come in." He grunted. We all stepped through and he stood up. "Kenna. It's nice to see you."
    He walked around the desk and started to walk up to me. He stopped when he saw me take a step back.
    "I knew you'd come back to me one day." He said with a smirk. "It was about time you left that boy."
    I rolled my eyes and stepped up to him. The challenge was clear.
    "Let's not draw this out. This is gonna hurt a little." I said. His eyes grew wide and it looked like he was about to speak, but I spoke first. "I, Kenna Evans, accept your rejection."
    The moment the words left my mouth it was like I was freed. It was as if the invisible restraints fell. He clutched his chest and went down to his knees.
    "Kenna, don't do this." He said with a strained voice. "You don't wanna do this."
    I squatted down so that I was level with him.
    "I hope that hurt, asshole." I smiled and got up. The three of us walked out together and left Damon there.
    I told them I'd be fine going to see Jack on my own. I knew Marie wanted to see her mom. We agreed to meet up later and I walked towards Jack's house. My heart pounded more with every step. Right as I stepped into the yard, the door opened. Edda stepped out and bounded down the steps.
    "What are you doing here twerp?" She sneered. "Didn't you get the hint? He's mine and he always will be."
    She scoffed and brushed past me. I rolled my eyes at her.
    "That's right. Kick rocks, bitch." I said. She gasped and stared at me for a moment. I didn't break my stare. She shook her head and started walking again. I took a deep breath and stepped up on the porch. I was about to knock when the door slung open.

. . .


    "Edda, I don't know how many times I have to tell you this. Leave me alone. I just want some space." I nearly yelled. I've barely been back a minute and she was already getting on my nerves.
    The moment I left Kenna, my heart hurt. I didn't want to leave her but I needed time to think. I needed to clear my head and try to resist the mating bond. When I looked at Edda I was filled with disgust. She wasn't Kenna and she could never feel that void.
    "Oh come on baby. You know you missed me." She said as she put her hand on chest. I swatted her hand away and backed up. "Forget about that brat. You're back now."
    "Leave. Now." I said roughly. She rolled her eyes and walked out the door.
    I started looking for my phone charger again. I must have left it behind and now my phone was dead. I know I have a spare around here somewhere. I heard footsteps on the porch and got mad that Edda came back.
    "Seriously Edda I told you.." I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Kenna standing there. Her eyes were wide and she trembled slightly.
    "I'm sorry. I know you said you wanted space but you weren't answering your phone. Did you listen to any of the voicemails I left you?" She asked. She looked like she was about to cry but restrained herself.
    "No I wasn't able to. My phone died and I can't find my charger." I said as I took a step to her. She instantly backed up.
    "You need to listen to it. I'm not repeating myself again." She said. I started to say something but she held up her hand. "No. You hurt me Jack. That broke me more than the rejection. So listen to the voicemails. At least the last one."
    She grabbed my hand and shoved my phone charger into it. Without another word, she turned and ran back up the road. I walked back inside and plugged in my phone. I was way too impatient waiting for it turn back on.
    When I finally got it turned back on, I pulled the voicemails up. There was several there. I listened to the last one just like she said and my heart dropped. I heard her explain things about second chance mates and not accepting Edda's rejection. I didn't think, I just ran. Out the door and to the pack house. I didn't stop until I was face to face with Edda. Once the words left my mouth, I started running again. I was free. I let River guide me to her. To my mate.

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