Chapter 10: Gran

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    I laid in bed that night thinking about our first day on the island. I was completely captivated by her when we first got down to the water. I couldn't tear my eyes away from her. River was trying to urge me forward but I didn't move. Then when we went in the water, it was unreal. She was completely in her element. It was easy to forget the world we left at home and just be two people having fun with each other.
    I was about to fall asleep when I hear a soft noise I went completely still to see if I heard it again. River was pacing and wanting me to get out of the bed. Seconds later I heard it again. Clear as a bell, Kenna whimpered. I hurtled out of bed and into her room. She was curled up in the middle of her bed sound asleep. I crept closer and heard her sniffle. This had happened to me a couple of times. The pain of rejection brought terrible dreams.
I grabbed the blanket and tucked her in and softly rubbed my hand up and down her back. I knew she was asleep and probably wouldn't hear me but I decided to speak anyways.
"It will be okay, Kenna. You're gonna get through this." I whispered softly. "You are so strong. And I believe in you."
        She almost instantly relaxed. With a sigh, she curled up more. But I knew she was at ease then. I backed up and went back to my room. Once I laid down, the last thing that crossed my mind was a beautiful soft face. A musical laugh rang through my mind and lulled me to sleep

. . .

        "So what do I need to expect today?" I asked with a laugh. I looked over at Kenna. We had the doors off the Jeep and she looked too adorable with her aviator sunglasses. She was driving us to her grandmothers today.
"Well gran can be a handful. That's the only heads up you're getting. You'll find out all the rest later." She said with a devious smile.
"Brat." I mumbled.
"Jerk." She said back instantly. We both laughed and spent the rest of the drive in comfortable silence. Soon enough, we pulled up to this small house. As soon as the car was off, the door slammed open.
"Oh my lord! Cupcake, look how you've grown!." And old woman shouted from the front porch. A smile crept across Kenna's face and my heart fluttered a bit. She jumped out of the jeep and ran up the steps.
"Hey, Gran." She laughed as she was pulled into an embrace. I stood by car because I didn't want to ruin their reunion. "I missed you so much." Her grandmother just hugged her tighter.
"I missed you too, cupcake." She leaned back and put a hand on Kenna's cheek. "And I see that you brought me a new boyfriend. Why don't you introduce me to that devilishly handsome young man."
"Ugh gran!" Kenna groaned. But I couldn't help but laugh loudly. "Behave! Gran, this is Jack."
       "Why hello, Jack." She said, holding out her hand. I didn't hesitate to shake it. "It's an absolute pleasure to meet you. Call me Gran."
       "It's nice to meet you too, Gran. This is a beautiful house." I told her.
       "Why don't you both come in! There's so much to catch up on!" She said as she turned to go inside.
       Before Kenna could move, I threw my arm around her shoulders and leaned close to her ear.
       "Cupcake?" I said with a smile.
       "I will literally kill you in your sleep." She said without hesitation, giving me her extra sweet smile. I laughed and followed her inside.

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