Chapter 12: Dog

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    Days passed in a similar fashion. A lot of swimming and driving around. But we were having a blast. We spent almost all our time together. Today we picked up some stuff from Grans house to take to the animal shelter. Once we arrived we were greeted by one of the volunteers.
    "Hi! My name is Rebecca." She said with a smile when she saw me climb out of the jeep. "Are you dropping off supplies?"
    "My name is Kenna. And yeah we have a bunch of stuff here for you. We can help you bring it all in." I led her around to the back of the jeep and was met by Jack. As soon as Rebecca laid her eyes on him, I was forgotten about. She turned into this giggly upbeat girl.
    "Well thank you so much. It's been so long since we had someone bring in supplies. It's incredibly kind of you to help out." She said with a hair flip. She casually placed her hand on Jack's arm and smiled at him. "Oh I didn't catch your name!"
    "Um my name is Jack." He said. He was looking at her hand on his arm like it was going to attack him.
    "Cute name for a cute guy." She said. The whole time she's flirting, I'm standing behind her making faces at him. Trying not to laugh at this attention he was getting. Poor guy looked like he didn't want to be there.
    "Yeah thanks." He said, moving his arm away. "Hey babe, will you grab the dog toys."
    He made direct eye contact when he said it. Yep, he needed rescuing.
    "Sure baby." I said, deliberately stepping in between them. "Where would you like us to put this stuff, Rebecca?" I smiled sweetly at her. She took a step back and looked away. Territory marked.
    "I'll show you the way." She said, smile gone. We followed her in and were met by more volunteers. After unloading everything, I went to the kennels to look around. There were dogs everywhere. In the very back was a very calm German Shepard.
    "His name is Charlie. He's two years old and he's really sweet." One of the volunteers said.
    "Can I pet him?" I asked eagerly.
    "Sure." She said and opened the kennel. I sat on the ground and he came straight to me. I honestly don't know how long I was sitting there, just petting him. He was the sweetest and he just wanted cuddles. I didn't look away from him until I heard someone walking up to me slowly. I looked up and saw Jack coming towards me.
    "Never thought you'd be a dog person." He said, squatting down to pet the dog.
    "Oh I adore dogs. Charlie here is the absolute sweetest. I mean just look at that face." I said with a big smile.
    "Yeah yeah he's a cute dog." He said smiling back. After a few minutes, we both got up and I put Charlie back in his kennel. I didn't want to leave him. I was gonna think it over for the next few days before deciding to get a dog.
    We said bye to everyone as we left, Rebecca giving me the evil eye. I just shook my head and climbed in the jeep. He started driving towards the house.
    "Hey thanks for rescuing me back there." He said with a laugh.
    "I got your back." I said, playfully punching his shoulder. "But why didn't you want to flirt with her? She was really cute."
    "I'm not interested in some random girl." He said, shaking his head.
    "Yeah I know what you mean." I said. It got quiet for a second so I decided to change the subject. "You know what we haven't done yet? We haven't gone for a run together. Wanna do that tonight?"
    "Actually that sounds like a great idea. We can go later on in the night so we can avoid running across any people." He replied.
    "Good idea. It's been awhile since I stretched my legs." I leaned my head back against the seat. Enjoying the breeze.
    "How about I drop you off at the house and then go get stuff to make dinner tonight?" He said.
    "You know how to cook?" I asked sarcastically.
    "Yes I know how to cook asshole." He said, poking me in the side.    
    "I love that. What a good boyfriend you'd make." I said, making kissy faces at him. This was such a common joke between us. Without looking, he playfully shoved my face away.
    "Oh hush, babe." He said with a laugh. I laughed with him and turned the music up.

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