Chapter 26: The Wedding

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       "Honey, you look amazing!" Lisa said as she dabbed her eyes.
       "Sweetheart, let the girl breathe." Chef said. He wrapped an arm around her smiled at me.
       Today was my wedding day and I was a bundle of nerves. It's been a year since the incident at the Crescent Pack. Ten months since Jack proposed on the beach. Six months since he surprised me with the German shepherd from the animal shelter. Charlie was such a sweet surprise.
I was more nervous about reading the vows. We decided that we would read each other's vows in front of everyone but not out loud. That way we shared the moment with everyone but the words were private.
I was wearing a two piece wedding dress. The top was lace and the bottom was tulle. I looked at myself in the mirror. Everything looked perfect, all my worry gone.
"Ken it's time!" Marie came in and handed me my bouquet. Lisa kissed Chef on the cheek and went to go sit down. "I'll go out first. See you at the end of the aisle." She squealed and stepped up to the door.
Zane stood there and offered his arm. He looked at me and smiled. His eyes looked watery and he told me I was beautiful. They stepped through the doors a second later. Chef and I stepped up to the doors and waited.
"Thanks for walking me down the aisle, Matt." I looped my arm through his. "You have been the greatest dad all these years. Thank you so much."
"Dammit kid you're gonna make me cry." He patted my hand. "I couldn't have asked for a better daughter." I smiled and leaned my head against his shoulder. At that moment, the music started. We both took a deep breath as the doors opened.

. . .


The doors open and I stopped breathing. She looked beautiful. She smiled brightly as she looked at me. The walk down the aisle was agonizing to watch. I wanted her next to me. I hadn't seen her since last night. She finally made it to me and I watched as Matt kissed her on the cheek and went to sit down.
"Hey." She whispered as I grabbed her hands.
"Hey to you too. You looked gorgeous." I whispered back. She blushed as the preacher began speaking. I could barely pay attention with her standing here. Before I knew it, the moment came to exchange our vows. We exchanged papers and began reading to ourselves.
My dearest love, I want to start off by saying that I am so grateful you came into my life. We went from being strangers, to best friends, then to falling in love. I could not have asked for a better mate. No one is as kind and caring as you are. So with that being said, I vow to be the best wife and mate I could possibly be. I vow to keep you happy and to love you for all eternity. I never want to part from you again. My last vow is this. I vow to be the best mother to our children because I know you are going to be a great father. And if you didn't catch that hint. I'm pregnant.
My head snapped to her face and I saw she was already looking at me. There were tears in her eyes and I raised my brows in question. She nodded yes, confirming what she said. The preacher started up again asking us to exchange our rings. I couldn't stop the few tears that spilled from my eyes. He announced us as husband and wife and I pulled her into my arms. She laughed as I kissed her all over her lips and face. I grabbed her hand and pulled her to face everyone. Everyone was clapping and few people wiped their eyes.
"I'm gonna be a dad!" I screamed as I raised my hands in the air. There was a split second of silence and then the crowd really erupted. Laughing, I pulled her to my side and kissed her one more time. It really couldn't be better than this.

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