Chapter 4: Rejection

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"Hey birthday girl it's time to wake up." I heard a mans voice whispering in my ear. Sleep me was extremely confused, considering I was in Marie's spare bedroom. I cracked one eye open and what I saw made me scream.
"Zane!" I yelled as I jumped up from the bed. He was here. I couldn't believe it. I threw my arms around and fought back the tears. "How did you get in here?"
"Well Marie set this up and told me you'd be here. Her mom let me in." He squeezed me tightly. "Told you I had a good surprise." After a second, he stiffened and let go of me.
"Girl why are you screaming so loud?" I heard Marie's sleepy voice as she walked in the room. She froze the moment she looked up.
"Mate." They both whispered. All they could do was stand there and stare at each other. Once the shock wore off, I squealed loudly. They both blinked and smiled at each other. In moments, they were in each other's arms. Her mother came in and just stared at them. Then it was her turn to scream. After awhile, we walked to the dining hall. I trailed behind them. They were so into each other it was too cute. Right before I reached the door, I smelled something intoxicating.
I waited until Zane and Marie walked in the building before following the smell. I walked around the building, my heart pounding. My wolf, Cleo, started howling. When I rounded the corner I saw Alpha Damon. He was on the phone and his back to me.
'Mate.' Cleo said. I just stared at him, not knowing what to do. His sleeves were rolled up and his dark hair was unruly. But it was a good look for him. I saw him stiffen and hang up the phone. For a few moments we just stared at each other. I went to take a step towards him.
"No." He said firmly. Wait, what?
"I'm sorry?" I said, confused.
"This isn't happening, Kenna. I waited until you turned twenty one for this." He said, his eyes had this cruel look to them. "I, Damon Fulton, reject you, Kenna Evans, as my mate."
My heart felt like it completely shattered. I couldn't breathe. Cleo whimpered but stayed quiet otherwise.
"Why?" I whispered. But I already knew the answer to that. Everyone knew he was going to be with Edda.
"I need a strong luna. Not a tiny weak runt." He said and walked away.
    Cleo growled as he walked away. She was hurt, but more than that, she was absolutely livid.
I took a moment to catch my breath and compose myself. I was in pain but I was stronger than this. I was not weak. I took a deep breath and walked into the dining hall. I went to grab my plate and noticed Lisa looking at me. She had this look that asked if I was okay. I nodded and walked to the table. I could feel Damon's eyes on me the whole time.
"Hey what happened? You disappeared." Marie asked, looking concerned. Zane looked at me then and was about to ask.
"Later." Was all I said. I did everything in my power to keep my composure. I looked around the room constantly, trying to avoid looking at Damon. I looked over and saw the guy from yesterday in the back corner. He looked as miserable as I felt. Marie noticed who I was looking at and leaned closer.
"That's Jack. He was Edda's mate. She rejected him yesterday." There was sympathy in her voice. Once she was done eating, I asked if we could go. The three of us headed out of the dining hall, passing Damon as we went. He watched my every move with a glare. Using all my willpower, I gave him a wicked smile. Go ahead and underestimate me.
     Together, the three of us went down to the lake. I remained silent until we got there.
"It was Damon." I said as we sat down. They bother looked at me, confused. "He was my mate."
Marie gasped and Zane still looked confused.
"Was?" He asked. Marie looked murderous.
"Yeah was. He rejected me." Now he shared the same look as Marie. "The rejection isn't a surprise coming from him."
"But he's your mate. That's not how it's supposed to happen." Marie patted his hand and focused back on me.
        "Forget him. It's gonna be okay I promise." She wrapped her arm around me. I nodded and looked over the water. Marie took that time to explain everything to Zane. Damon wanted a strong mate. A strong Luna. Edda was that woman. That was fine. I didn't need him anyways. I noticed Jack off in the distance, walking alone. He was probably the only person who understood what I was going through.
         "Hey Marie, I'll catch up with you guys later." I told her as I stood up. She looked at what I was looking and her face turned soft.
          "Okay I'll see you in a little while." She said as I walked toward Jack.

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