Chapter 19: Mating Ball

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    The day of the Mating Ball finally arrived and I was honestly nervous. For the first time in weeks, the pain of rejection came back a little. I pushed it back, just keeping my mind on getting ready. Jack and I went to the pack house early in the day. He decided to help Zane with some last minute prep while I spent the day with Marie.
    "So are you gonna spill the beans about Jack?" She asked while we were doing our makeup. "I mean it's obvious he likes you."
    "I don't know what's there to spill. We flirt a lot but nothings really happened. I love spending time with him. I feel like there's this pull to him." I told her truthfully. "It's like when he's not around, I'm constantly looking for him. Even now I'm fighting to check my phone."
    "Funny. That sounds a lot like a mating bond." She said with a smirk.
    "How would that even be possible? We were both rejected." I said, brows furrowing.
    "I don't know but stranger things have happened." She giggled. "Let's get you looking hot for tonight and watch him fall to his knees for you."
    I rolled my eyes at her but my heart swelled. I had a good feeling about tonight. The conversation flowed more after that. She helped fix my hair so that it fell in waves down my back. I kept my jewelry light and only put on earrings. Now time for the dress.
    I went to Marie's closet and changed into the dress. It was a black gown that was tulle from the waist down. The bodice and sleeves were made of a lacy material. The front of the bodice split down, showing a little cleavage. I paired the dress with black heels. The moment I stepped out of the closet, Marie's jaw dropped.
    "Girl! You look hot." She said.
    "Not so bad yourself." I giggled. She had on this simple light blue gown. There were tiny flowers all over the dress and small sleeves that fell off the shoulder.
    "Oh we're gonna knock them dead. Zane texted and said people were arriving. They'll meet us downstairs." Arm and arm we made our way downstairs. Zane and Jack were engrossed in conversation, not even noticing we were coming down. Marie walked in front of me so we could both hold on to the railing. She cleared her throat which caused them to turn around. Zane was by her side in an instant and walked her down the rest of the stairs.
    Jack stood there frozen. His throat bobbed slowly. He looked amazing. His all black suit was fitted perfectly to his build. I walked slowly to him, my eyes never leaving him.
    "Hey." I said quietly
    "Kenna, you look stunning." He said, his eyes shining.
    "You look very handsome." I smiled at him.
    "Shall we?" He said, holding out his arm. I nodded and hooked my arm with his. Together, we walked in the ballroom. It didn't take long before more people arrived. The music was great and people were dancing. I could see that a few people had already found their mates. I smiled at that.
    I knew the moment Damon walked in. I felt it and turned to look at the door. His arm was around Edda's waist. His eyes immediately went wide as he looked me up and down. I raised my head in defiance and pulled Jack away in the opposite direction.
    "They're here." I told him as we walked away.
    "I know. I felt it." He hooked my arm through his once more and patted my hand. "Forget them. Tonight is for us to have fun."
    Looking up at him, at his smile, it was easy to forget the world. Maybe Marie was right. There was something to this. Whatever this is.
    "You're right. Let's go get some drinks." I smiled. We got our drinks and walked around. Greeting people are we went around the room. After an hour, I felt a hand tap me on the shoulder. When I turned, I immediately froze.
    "What?" I said, ice coating my words. Damon stood in front of me and slowly put his hand out.
    "Would you join me for a dance?" He asked, deep voice rumbling.

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