Chapter 16: Dancing

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We spent the rest of the day shopping. Zane and I laughing way too much at the girls taking so long. They refused to show us their outfits until tonight. We went back to the pack house and hung out while the girls got ready upstairs. My mind kept drifting back to the mating ball. Debating if I was gonna go or not. I didn't know if I was ready but I also didn't want to leave Kenna hanging.
Zane let me borrow some clothes worthy of the club. We were ready and waiting on the girls to come down. Luckily we didn't have to wait long. It was like this morning all over again. I saw Kenna and froze. She was too gorgeous for her own good. She was wearing tight skinny jeans and another crop top. She had a belly button ring dangling above the jeans. Her hair was curled and her makeup was bold. Her wedges made her legs look much longer.
"You look amazing, my love." Zane said as he walked up to Marie. She beamed as he kissed her on the cheek. Kenna walked up to me and did a spin.
"How do I look?" She said with a smile.
"You look stunning." I said. Her cheeks flushed and she looked down.
"Come on let's go! I'm ready to dance." Marie giggled and grabbed Kenna's hand to pull her out the door. We all piled in Zane's car and headed for the club. The girls sat in the back so they could sing and get pumped as they put it. We drove to the party side of the island and got out at the club. I could hear the music from outside. Zane put his arm around Marie as they walked and I trailed behind Kenna. We went straight up to the VIP section that we had to ourselves.
The drinks started coming and soon enough we were in the swing of things. The music was loud and jumping. The girls went to dance as Zane and I sat down at the round booth. After about forty five minutes, they came and sat down to take a break. Marie flopped down completely in Zane's lap, immediately smashing her face into his. Kenna sat down next to me and threw her legs across my lap.
"Oh my god I'm having so much fun!" She yelled over the music. She was already tipsy.
"I'm glad you're having fun. Dancing looks sweaty." I said, with a laugh. I leaned in closer to be able to hear her better. "I've never done this before."
"You've never been out dancing before?" She yelled back, looking appalled. "That will not do! Come on. Let's dance." She jumped up and tugged on my hand. I tried to protest but she wasn't having it. She pulled me out onto the dance floor and started dancing. I didn't know what to do.
"Just relax." She yelled, grabbing my hands and putting them on her waist. She threw her hands around my neck and started swaying with me. I let myself enjoy the music. I looked at her and saw her eyes closed, letting the music take over. I couldn't tear my eyes away from. She turned so that her back was pressed against me. She put my arms around her, pulling me closer. I couldn't stop myself from burying my face in the crook of her neck. I could hear her hum as she threw her arm behind her and around my neck.
"See how fun this is?" I could hear her say.
"This is fun from where I'm standing." I said in her ear. I could feel her giggle reverberate off my chest. We danced like that for two more songs before going to sit down. Kenna and Marie decided it was time for them to dance again. Zane moved to sit next to me.
"So what's going on between you and Kenna?" He asked.
"Honestly, I don't even know. We've been hanging out pretty much non stop here. I don't even mind it though. I feel like there's something there but I don't know how she feels." I told him. I answered truthfully. I knew there were feelings there but I didn't know what any of it meant.
"Oh it's obvious how she feels. There's something there for sure." He laughed as he took a sip of his drink. I smiled at that and went back to watching her dance.
Things started happening all at once. Some guy came up and tried putting his hands around Kenna. She brushed him off and put her focus back on Marie. But the guy didn't give up. He grabbed her waist and pulled her back to him roughly. She tried to push him off but he wouldn't let go. He kept trying to kiss her neck as she fought to get away. Zane and I were both moving before I realized what I was doing. I could just barely see her say my name in a panic. Anger bubbled up inside me.
Zane reached Kenna first and pulled her away. I didn't hesitate to come up past them and punch the guy in the face. He crumpled to the ground immediately. Security guards showed up to pull us apart. I put my arm around Kenna. She wrapped her arms around my waist as I pulled her outside.
Zane drove us back to the pack house in silence. When we got there, we said our good nights as Kenna and I got in the jeep. I could tell she was shook up by what happened. She never let go of my hand as she stared out the window. When we got to the house, I got out and went to the passenger side.
"I can walk. I'm fine." She said in a small voice, but stumbled as she got out.
"Put your arms around my neck." I told her. She listened and I quickly picked her up. I walked inside with her cradled in my arms.
"You keep having to take care of me after I've been drinking." She whispered. I could tell she was tired.
"I don't mind at all, princess." I told her as I laid her on the bed. I took her shoes off and threw them in the corner. I tucked the blanket around her as her eyes closed. Quietly stepping away, I made my way to door. But before I closed the door, she spoke one word that nearly shattered my heart.
"Stay." Her voice almost inaudible.
"Of course, Kenna." I told her as I walked back in the room. I pulled my shirt off since it was Zane's dress shirt. I laid down next to her and within seconds she curled up into my chest. She was asleep almost instantly. Just as I started to drift off to sleep, I heard her sigh. I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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