Chapter 23: Alone

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    When I woke up the next morning, I instantly knew something was wrong. Jack wasn't in the bed and his side of the bed was cold. He didn't sleep there last night. I got up and put some clothes on while I walked to his room. I froze in the door way. He was packing a bag of clothes.
    "What are you doing?" I asked. He immediately tensed up and turned to look at me. It looked as though he hadn't slept all night.
    "I'm sorry Kenna. I need to go back home." He said, voice strained. "I need space to think about things."
    "Whoa where did this come from? We were just fine last night." It felt like someone poured ice cold water all over my body. "Why are you leaving?"
    "I told you. I have to take time to think." He went back to packing his things. After a second, he stopped. "Edda called. Apparently things didn't work out between her and the alpha and she asked me to come back."
    "Are you serious?" I demanded, walking all the way in his room then. "After what she did to you, you're just gonna go back? You're leaving me for her?" Tears started falling down my cheeks but I didn't stop them.
    "No. I don't know. I want to stay here but she's pulling on the mate bond and it's driving me insane. So I'm gonna take some time to myself and think things through." He zipped up his bag and brushed passed me. A horn honked outside and he went straight for the door.
    "Jack please don't do this. I'm begging you. Don't leave me. I am enough." By this point, I was sobbing. He stopped but didn't turn around. "Please. I love you. Stay with me." He almost turned at that but refrained.
    "I'm sorry Kenna." He said as he walked out the door. He climbed in the back of the cab and I watched as it drove away. My heart shattered and I collapsed on the ground.
    'Ken let me take over for a bit. I'll take care of you.' Cleo's voice rang through my head.
    I shifted right in the middle of the living room.
'Cleo, why does it hurt so bad? I can't do this.' I told her.
    'Rest. I'll take care of you.' She repeated. I let her take over and she walked to the back door. Curling up, we laid there and closed our eyes. I couldn't believe this was happening. I felt so alone.

. . .

    "Kenna?" I could hear a woman screaming my name but I didn't move. I was still in wolf form on the floor. "Zane! I found her. In here!"
    Marie and Zane came into view but I didn't move. I just simply looked at them.
    "He called us and said you might need us. Can you shift?" Marie said quietly. I let out a long whine. She took a blanket off the couch and threw it over me. "Your gran is on her way over."
    "Shift." Zane said in a stern voice. I finally listened and shifted back. I didn't get up the floor and let Marie pull the blanket up around me.
"What happened?" She asked, brushing the hair from my face. Zane hovered behind her, looking sympathetic and murderous at the same time.
"He left." I whispered. "Edda called and he left. After everything, he left me for her."
"Oh Ken. I'm so sorry. Come on. Let's get you up." She said, pulling me to my feet while keeping the blanket wrapped around me. I didn't feel like moving but I knew she wouldn't leave me alone until I got dressed. Once I put clothes on I laid on the bed. The sobs took over as soon I laid down. The sheets smelled like him. Marie laid down and wrapped her arms around me. Zane continued to hover until he heard Gran come in. He went to get her and soon enough her face was in my line of sight.
"Hey cupcake. I'm here." She said. I tried to speak but she held up a finger. "I need you to listen right now. I did some research after you stopped by a couple days ago. You told me about your feelings for Jack. Remember?"
I did remember. One of the few times we didn't go somewhere together. It was the day before the mating ball. I nodded so she would continue.
"Sweetheart, I think you and Jack are second chance mates." She said slowly. I just stared at her, confused. "It's so rare when a wolf rejects his mate but sometimes the goddess makes a mistake. So she will pay extra attention to the rejected wolf in order to find the right one. I think in this case, you are each other's second chance."
I sat up and stared at her. I didn't want to get my hopes up but it all made sense. The immediate draw to him, feeling like I was always home and safe, the comfort. It was the bond.
"But how did we not know?" I said, voice breaking.
"Did you officially accept Damon's rejection?" She asked. "Did you actually say the words?"
"No he rejected me and walked away." I said.
"That's why neither of you knew. I bet he didn't officially accept it either." She took my hand in hers and smiled. "Honey, I'll be blunt. Go shower and get your shit together. You need to go get your man."
Damn straight I did.

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