Chapter 15: Invite

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"You ready to go?" Jack yelled from the living room.
"Yeah I'm coming!" I admired my outfit in the mirror. I decided to put some effort into for once. I had a pair of blue jean shorts and a cute belt. I paired it with a flowy crop top. My hair was pulled up into a cute high ponytail with a few of my bangs pulled out. I had on subtle makeup and converses that brought the outfit together. When I walked into the living room, Jacks eyes nearly popped out of his head.
"Is something wrong? I thought this outfit was cute." I said looking down and doing a slow turn.
"Uh no. It's.." He cleared his throat. "It's great. You look great." My heart was pounding.
"Good. Let's go then." I said while I grabbed the keys. I drove since he didn't know where the pack house was. We sang together and laughed the whole way.
We were there within fifteen minutes. I took in the mansion that I hadn't seen in years. It was by far the largest, most elegant pack house I'd ever seen. There were kids playing out front. Zane and Marie were waiting outside. Both me and Marie screamed loudly and ran at each other as soon as we got out of the car. We hugged and kept squealing.
"You both do that a lot." Zane said with a playful grimace. I smiled and hugged him.
"Oh shut up. You know you missed me." I shoved him while I laughed.
"Hey Jack. I hope she's being nice to you." Marie said with a laugh.
"Yeah sometimes." He said poking me in the side. The kids that were playing kicked a ball and it bounced off Jacks leg. He laughed and kicked it softly to them. They immediately surrounded him and begged him to play. He didn't hesitate to join them.
"Hey we're gonna be upstairs." Zane yelled at him while we walked inside. He waved of us off and went back to playing.
"So I wanted to talk to you about something." Zane said as we stepped into his office. I went to the window and could see Jack perfectly. I turned back to Zane and Marie.
"Yeah what's up?" I asked, curious.
"I just wanted to let you know that you have options." He said. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What I mean is, I'm extending and invitation. I'd be happy to welcome you to the pack."
"You mean live here? Leave Crescent Pack?" I asked. My heart was in my throat. Excitement bubbling.
       "Yes. I'd be happy to extend that invitation to Jack as well. If he wants." He said. Marie was practically bouncing in her seat.
       "Oh my god. I don't know what to say." I couldn't even think straight. I looked out the window at Jack. He was running around with all the kids and they were all laughing. He looked so happy. And that made me happy. "I'm in. This place has always been my home. I could stay in my moms house." The more I talked, the more I smiled.
        Marie squealed and we were hugging again. Zane laughed and threw his arms around both of us.
        "Let's go out tonight!" Marie said.
        "Ooh yes let's do it!" We all stepped back and Marie linked her arms with mine. We started walking down the steps.
        "I also wanted to bring up another thing." Zane said as he walked. "I don't know if you know but Silver Falls is hosting the mating ball this year."
        I completely forgot about that. That means Damon would probably be there, with the unmated pack members.
        "Ugh that's coming up soon too." I groaned.
        "Yeah in two weeks. You can come too." Zane replied.
        "You know what? Yeah I'll go. That means shopping!" I said, giggling with Marie.
        "Let's go shopping now. For tonight." Marie said.
        "Come on. We gotta tell Jack we're going out tonight. Maybe he'll come with. Oh and let me tell him about the pack invite." I told them. They both nodded and we went outside. Jack was onboard with tonight and little hesitant about the mating ball. He said he'd think about it and we piled in the jeep to go shopping.

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