Chapter 22: Stay

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The next few days went by just as we had been doing. Expect for the fact that we were like horny teenagers again. I couldn't get enough of her. At least the feeling was mutual. She was insatiable but I was perfectly happy to oblige her. Today we decided to hike back up to the falls. When we got there, she pulled off her clothes and threw them by her bag. But this time, she didn't put on her bathing suit. She winked at me over her shoulder and jumped in the water. I quickly stripped and followed her in.
"You are something else, you know that?" I whispered in her ear as soon as I caught up to her.
"No I didn't know." She giggled. She'd been a little quieter today. I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the cave.
"Is everything okay today?" I said as soon as we were inside. "You seem quiet today. Anything you wanna talk about?"
Her cheeks flushed and she looked away. I pulled her close again and kissed her slowly. She sighed and deepened the kiss. We pulled away after a minute and she just looked at me.
"Stay with me." She whispered. She looked as though she regretted the words, terrified of my reaction. "I don't want to lose you. You make me feel whole, complete. I can't imagine not having you around all the time. Stay here. With me."
Looking at her now, I knew the answer. And for the first time, I wasn't scared.
"I'll stay." I said with a smile. Her answering smile pierced my soul. I'd do anything to keep her smiling like that. I kissed her again and tightened my arms around her. She moaned deeply. Like always, this broke the dam. I turned us in a circle and pressed her against the wall of the cave. She reached behind her and grabbed the ledge for support. Within seconds, I was buried deep inside her. Her moans filled the air as I took her against the cave wall.

. . .

"You're not doing it right! Press there." Kenna yelled loudly. "No! Jeez do I have to teach you everything?"
"Oh trust me baby, I know what I'm doing. But don't worry. I'll show you a thing or two." I whispered in her ear.
She playfully shoved me, nearly knocking the game controller out of my hand. I was trying to teach  her how to play a racing game and she tried to show me how she got a booster. She was too adorable with legs crossed beneath her, concentration clear across her face.
"Yeah yeah yeah. Let's do this. You're going down." She said, laughing. I started the race, immediately taking off.
In the end, I let her win. Her victory dance was the greatest. A knock at the door let me know the pizza was here. I paid the delivery guy and took the pizza inside. We set up a picnic on the back porch.
She was in the middle of telling me a funny story from when she was younger when I felt it. A tug on the mating bond. I didn't react and tried to ignore it. I was rejected. It shouldn't be there anymore. I laughed with her, pushing the feeling away.
After we were done eating, she pushed all the stuff over and climbed in my lap. I let out a satisfying growl as she took control. Laying me down on the porch she pulled her shirt off and threw it to the side. I growled at her again and pulled her to me. I nibbled on her lip, which caused her to growl deeply.
Once we finished, I carried her inside to her bed. I'd been sleeping in here with her the past couple of nights. She was asleep instantly. I went back to clean the mess up off the porch. As I was cleaning, my phone started ringing. My blood ran cold as I looked at the caller ID.

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