Chapter 6: Agreement

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    "So let me get this straight. You have all this money save up for you and your mate." He said while I nodded. "Now that.. well that thing happened, you want me to go with you?"
"I mean sure why not?" I told him. "We're both going through the same thing. I feel like we could use a break and not have to watch them parade each other around."
"You barely know me. I could be a serial killer!" He waved his hands around wildly.
"Well could you wait until we get to paradise before you kill me? I'd rather be in my happy place when I die." I rolled my eyes. I knew how crazy I sounded. "You don't even have to spend time with me there. It's a big house. You can do your own things. If you don't want to go that's fine. I just thought I'd offer."
I started walking again and heard him sigh. A second later he grabbed my arm.
"Wait." I turned to face him. "I'll go with you. It sounds like fun." He gave me a small smile.
"It will be fun! We can leave in a week. Is that good?" I asked.
"Yeah that'll be plenty of time. I'll tell my boss." He said then gave my shoulder a playful shove. "Come on pipsqueak let's get you back." I gasped at that.
"Oh how rude!" I said dramatically. I went to shove him back but he dodged it. Then it turned into a chase all the way back to Marie's house.
Marie and Zane were sitting out on the front porch swing, completely enamored with each other. But they managed to look away when we walked up. We sat out there and talked for awhile. Until Jack said he was going back to his house. I watched him walk away and smiled slightly. Marie asked for all the juicy details and Zane groaned loudly.
       We went inside and stayed talking a little while longer. I told her about the vacation and Jack going. She told me how excited she was to go to Silver Falls and be apart of that pack. Zane just watched her with this goofy smile. After an hour, I told them goodnight and went to bed.

. . .

       Then next morning, I got up and went home to Lisa and Chefs house. They were already up so I took the time to explain what happened. Chef was furious and Lisa looked like she was gonna cry. Then I told them about Jack and how we'd become friends pretty fast.
       "Jack's a good guy. I've known him for a long time." Chef said. "In fact, whether you realize it or not, you've seen him before yesterday." He had this twinkle in his eye.
      "I'm sorry what?" I asked.
      "He's the one who chops the wood most of them time." He said with a chuckle. Oh no. I knew exactly what he was talking about. I just never knew it was Jack.
      "What! Do you know how many times he's caught me looking at him?" I could feel my face getting redder. Anybody who chops wood does it on the backside of the pack house. Right behind the kitchen. And on the hot days, the guys would take off their shirts. I was caught plenty of times staring. I just never focused on his face before.
      "I bet he knows it's you." Lisa laughed. "But I think it's a good idea to go on the vacation. Both of you can take the time to heal."
      We talked a while longer and then I went to the kitchen with them. I was supposed to be off today but I didn't mind. We laughed and joked while we danced around the kitchen. Thirty minutes into it, I looked out the back window me sure enough there was Jack. Shirtless. As if he sensed me, he looked up. When he saw me he smiled and then winked. I shook my head with a smile and went back to work. Once we finished we set the buffet up. Lisa told me I didn't need to be here for it but I wasn't backing down.
      As soon as the alpha walked in, my chest felt like it was going to collapse within itself. The pain was unreal. But I kept my composure. I greeted him and Edda the same way I always do. I got the same grunt and fake smile in return. When he walked away I looked around until I found Jack. He was watching Edda, pain and hatred plastered all over his face. I pulled my phone out and texted him.
      'One more week. Then vacation time! :)' I sent.
      I watched as he read it and smiled slightly. He started typing back and sure enough my phone chimed a second later.
      'And then you can find out whether I'm a serial killer or not.' It read. I couldn't stop the loud laugh that bubbled up. Several people looked up at me, including Damon. But I ignored them. I looked back at Jack and saw he was trying not to laugh.

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