Chapter 25: The Fight

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I was sitting by the lake with all my favorite people. Marie and Zane brought her mom down. Then Chef and Lisa came down and sat with us. It was fun catching up. I told them everything. I kept thinking about seeing Jack at his house. The moment he opened the door, the mating bond hit me like a ton of bricks. Gran was right. The ball was in his court now.
After an hour out there, Marie suddenly grabbed my arm and gasped. I turned to see what she was looking at. Off in the distance, Jack was sprinting down the hill toward us. I stood up and started walking toward him. He didn't stop until he was a few feet away. We stood there staring at each other.
"It's true. You're my mate." He said in between pants.
"It's true." I whispered. A million things were running through my mind. I didn't know what else to say.
"I'm so sorry I left, Kenna. I promise you that I will never do that again." He closed the distance and my face in his hands. "I'm all in baby. You and me. I will spend the rest of my life proving myself to you. I wanna move to Silver Falls and just be with you. I promise. Forgive me baby."
Tears ran down my face. He wiped them away as I nodded.
"God I love you so much." He said as he kissed me. Every kiss before was nothing compared to this. It was as if the universe exploded. This is what it meant to be true mates.
Everyone around us started cheering like they were watching a show. We laughed as we pulled apart. Everyone started hugging us and laughing. It didn't last long though. A loud roar ripped through the air.
We all turned to see a huge black wolf barreling toward us. Damon. All the women were immediately pulled back. Chef blocked us while Zane and Jack shifted. Damon never slowed down and immediately plowed into Jack. They went down in a snarling heap. Zane jumped on Damon's back and flipped him away.
"Why is he doing this?" I cried. I didn't understand.
"You accepted his rejection. It probably drove him crazy. He's here to take Jack down." He said. Marie's mom was holding on tight to her because she was trying to run to Zane. She kept screaming. Lisa clung to Chef, whose eyes never left the fight.
Jack and Zane circled Damon. He snarled at both of them and finally lunged for Zane. His jaws clamped onto Zane's shoulder and he shook him wildly. Marie screamed again, begging him to stop. He threw Zane off to the side and turned back towards Jack. Marie broke free, shifted, and ran to Zane. She stood over him in a protective stance.
I looked back at the two wolves circling each other. The started fighting again and it was hard to keep up. I heard Jack whimper and he immediately kicked Damon off. I didn't think as I shifted. Jack stood back up and I ran straight under him. My head directly under his. He was panting but didn't try to move me away. He knew I had him covered. I never took my eyes off Damon. Watching his every move. He started circling us and together we turned, never letting him get behind us. He finally made his move.
He lunged, aiming for Jack. He latched onto Jack's shoulder causing him to whimper. I didn't hesitate then. I shot upwards and clamped down on his throat. He let go of Jack and tried to back away. I didn't release him. I used all of my strength to throw him backwards. The moment we hit the ground, I bit down harder. He tried to kick me off but I wouldn't budge. When he finally quit moving, I let go and backed up. He shuddered and shifted back. His throat was in bad shape and he was trying hard to breathe. I stepped closer to him and he looked me in the eyes.
"You bitch." He managed to say. He shuddered and let out a final breath. Yeah great last words.
Jack came and nudged my side. I nuzzled up to him, letting him know I was okay. I was beyond ready to get this all behind us.

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