Chapter 13: Fun

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I dropped Kenna off at the house and drove to the store. I decided on chicken Alfredo and would pick up a dessert while I was there. While I drove, I couldn't help but think about seeing Kenna with the dog. She looked so content to just sit there all day and pet him. It was adorable honestly.
I took my time getting everything I needed before heading home. I was gone for maybe an hour. As I walked up to the door, I could hear music playing loudly. I walked through the door leading to the kitchen. Once I put everything on the counter, I walked quietly to the living room. What I saw made me laugh quietly.
Kenna had changed into her favorite pajamas. A short sleeve tie dye shirt, that would show a little bit of her stomach if she raised her arms slightly, and matching shorts. Every time I saw her in these pajamas, my heart seemed to jump out of my chest. She was currently dancing around the living room singing at the top of her lungs. She was throwing her head back and forth, her hair flying around. I crossed my arms and leaned against the door frame. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Suddenly she tripped and started to fall. I was there in an instant and kept her upright.
        "Oh sorry." She said as she grabbed the remote to turn the music down. "I didn't know you were back."
        Her cheeks were flushed and she was trying to catch her breath. Dammit if she didn't look beautiful.
       "Don't apologize. I just got back. I'm about to start dinner." I said, reaching up to move a strand of hair from her face. Her eyes were slightly wide. "You can go back to doing what you were doing."
I turned back toward the kitchen and heard the music come back on. While I cooked, I occasionally found myself dancing along to her music. I couldn't stop my laugh every now and then. When dinner was done, I snuck up on her to get her attention. She screamed and smacked my shoulder. She was laughing so I knew she was fine. We talked while we ate, laughing at childhood stories. I didn't hold back telling her my most embarrassing stories.
After dinner, we went out to the back porch. It was over looking the cove and there were two hammocks that we liked to lay in. We laid on opposite ends of the hammocks so we could see each other better while we sat there and talked. The sun was setting and made the sky look amazing.
"How are you still able to swing? I've completely stopped moving." She said while laughing.
"Here give me your hand. I'm able to reach the rail over here so I can keep myself swinging." I said while holding out my hand. She grabbed when I got close enough. She giggled when I pulled her along with me. Within seconds, we were swinging in sync.
"Okay I got a good one!" She said. "First kiss! Who was it and how embarrassing was it?"
"Oh that's a good one." I said back. "It was Katie Lee when I was fifteen."
"No way! Katie Lee?" She started laughing.
"Yes it was Katie. And it was awful. I had no experience when it came to kissing, obviously, and she made sure everyone knew about it the second she stepped away. Though now looking back, she wasn't that great either. She kept sticking her tongue in my mouth but it was like she was trying to poke my tongue. There was no technique at all." By the time I finished talking, she was laughing so hard she had tears running down her face. "Oh hush up. Your turn!"
"Oh god, you better not judge me!" She said, wiping her face with her free. I suddenly became very aware that I was still holding her hand. "Okay so it was Parker Hines." I gaped at her. Her hand was covering her face as she peeked through her fingers. Genuine embarrassment hidden there.
"You're lying! Parker?!" I sat straight up and we stopped swinging. "You're telling me that your first kiss ever was with the Beta?"
"Hey I said no judging!" She sat up so that we were facing each other. "And yes. Parker was my first kiss. I doubt the alpha even knows that little fact. Truthfully it wasn't the only time we had made out either. But that first time was awful."
"Oh please. Tell me more." I said, placing my elbows on my knees and then my chin on top of my fists. I gave her a goofy grin.
"You're stupid. Well honestly the first kiss was definitely one for the books. I was sixteen and we were at this party. We got dared to kiss each other. So he takes me somewhere private right? When he leaned in we bumped foreheads." She said. I gasped dramatically and then nodded my head for her to continue. "So when we finally got past that part he kissed me. It was a freaking dog kissing my face. There was spit everywhere. And I literally mean that. Slobber was running down my chin. Ugh it was so gross. And his teeth kept knocking into mine because he was trying to kiss aggressively while I was trying to do the opposite."
I couldn't contain the laughter at that point. Her face was so red but she laughed with me.
"At least I know I'm not the only one who had an embarrassing first kiss." I said. I looked at my watch. "You wanna go for that run now?"
"Sure! Race ya!" She said as she shoved me back into the hammock and took off running into the woods.
"Oh you brat!" I yelled as I took off running. Once I was in the woods, I went behind a tree and got undressed. I shifted quickly and shook out my fur as I walked around to find Kenna. Looking around, I was met with the most incredible blue eyes. Kenna stepped out from behind a tree and I felt like my legs were going to give out. She had the most beautiful silver fur. Even River was speechless.

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