Chapter 3: Birthday Girl

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    "So what are you wanting to do?" Marie asked as we walked down to the lake. "We have to plan around her highnesses birthday bash." She said with an eye roll. Edda turned twenty one today.
    "How about a bonfire down here by the lake?" I said as we sat down.
    "I was thinking the same thing! I'll text everyone and let them know." She started spouting off more plans about booze and music. I nodded while she talked but my mind wandered. I thought about who my mate was going to be.
    "Are you working today?" I asked when she finally took a break from planning.
    "Nope! I took the whole weekend off." She said with a squeal. "Shopping?"
    "You read my mind! Let's go." I grabbed her hand and we took off.
    We went from store to store until we were worn out. Just after midday, my phone rang. I smiled and picked up the phone.
    "Hey birthday twin!" I hear Zane yell through the phone. We'd also known each other since we were children. He was alpha of Silver falls, a remote island off the coast. Only a few hours away.
    "Hey to you too." I laughed loudly. "What are you up too?"
    "Oh it's a surprise." He said. I just shook my head. Beside me Marie was asking who I was on the phone with.
    "It's Zane." I told her. She wiggled her eyebrows and winked at me. She had the biggest crush on him. We hadn't been able to see him face to face in years though. "A surprise? That's never good coming from you."
    "You'll like this, I promise." He said. "Was that Marie?" He asked. I could hear the smile in his voice. Maybe she wasn't the only one with a crush.
    "Yes that was Marie. We're just finishing up shopping." I told him. "What do you have planned for your birthday?"
    "I was actually thinking of having a bonfire." He said. Marie was trying to put her ear next to the phone so she could here until I swatted her away.
    "That's funny. That's what I'm doing too. It'll be like we're together again on our birthday." I smiled. My parents used to take me on vacation to the island for my birthday. We were always side by side until a couple years ago. My grandmother still lived on the island and he was very close with her.
    "We birthday twins have always shared the same mind." He laughed. "But hey I gotta go. I'll talk to you tomorrow, Twerp."
    "Bye, Loser." I yelled with a laugh and hung up.
    "Ugh he is so dreamy." Marie said and fanned herself. "His mate is going to be so lucky." We walked into her house and said hey to her mom.
    Even though Zane turned eighteen years ago, he hadn't found his mate yet. But he was a patient man.
    "Can I stay here tonight?" I asked when while we looked through all the things we bought.
    "Duh I thought that was already decided." She rolled her eyes. I laughed at her and threw a shirt at her. Soon enough it turned into a battle until her mom came in. We talked to her for awhile about birthday plans until it was time for dinner. We all made our way to the dining hall. I went straight for Lisa and Chef and talked to them for a bit while I loaded up my plate.
    We all sat down and waited for alpha again. We didn't have to wait long though. We all watched as him and Edda walked in and grabbed a plate of food. Once he sat down, the happy chatter began and we all started eating.
    I laughed with my friends and glanced over at the alpha. He was staring at me again. There was no emotion on his face. I smiled politely at him and went back to talking with everyone at the table.
    Once dinner was over, Marie and I went back to her house. We stayed up really late watching princess movies and eating way too much junk food.
    When midnight rolled around, she yelled happy birthday way too loudly. A minute later I got a text from Zane saying the same thing. I told him happy birthday back and turned put my phone on charge. It didn't take us long after that to fall asleep.

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