Chapter 18: Fair

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We spent the next week in the same routine. Adventure during the day, him teaching me how to play video games at night. I was horrible but he wasn't giving up. Marie called and asked if we wanted to go to the fair on Saturday. Jack said that would be a good idea so we were getting ready for that now. I kept it simple, wearing shorts and a tank top. My hair was half up and I wore a choker.
"Converses must be your favorites." Jack said as I walked out of my room.
"They are. Plus they're super cute." I said, shoving him as I walked by. He was on me in an instant, tickling my side. "Alright. I give!"
"Yeah that's what I thought. Now lets go squirt." He grabbed the keys and we headed out. It didn't take long to get to the fair grounds where we found Zane and Marie immediately. They were so cute tougher.
"Hey guys! There's so much to do! Let's go." Marie grabbed my arm and we took off.
There was a lot to look at. The giant Ferris wheel was off in the background. There were games everywhere and people were laughing, having a good time. I could see children whining about going on more rides. The smells were amazing. Hotdogs, popcorn, cotton candy. Today was gonna be so much fun.
"Let's do some rides first!" Marie grabbed Zane, who looked happy just to see her smile. I pulled Jack with me as we climbed onto the first ride called the tilt-a-whirl. It was a lot of fun. After that, we went from ride to ride. I found myself clinging to Jack pretty often. He didn't seem to mind though.
We took a break mid afternoon to eat. While we were sitting down a group of guys came up to Zane. They were obviously pack members with the way they interacted with him. He invited them to sit with us. They pulled up chairs and sat all around us. The conversation started flowing easily.
"So how are you liking the island?" One of the pack members, Luke, asked. He kept leaning in closer to me every few minutes.
"Oh we're having blast. I practically grew up here so I know the island pretty well." I told him, subtly moving closer to Jack and away from Luke.
"Well there goes my plan." He said with a laugh.
"What plan?" I asked him.
"I was thinking we could hang out sometime. Let me take you out." He leaned in a little closer, propping his elbows on the table. I felt a hand slide around my waist from my other side.
"She's busy." Was all Jack said. I looked at him, his challenge crystal clear.
"Oh my bad then." Luke said, turning away to talk to one of his friends. I looked at jack and raised my brows in question. He only winked and went back to talk to Zane. After awhile, we got up to go play games. Jack had his arm slung over my shoulders, while I wrapped my arm around waist.
We played nearly every game there. Jack was adorable with his arms full of small stuffed animals. I had this huge stuffed elephant that he won me. At the end of the night, we all got on the Ferris wheel. It was already dark out and the lights were beautiful. Jack had his arm casually behind me.
"I liked this. I've never been to a fair." He said.
"Me neither but I've seen them in movies. Definitely lived up to my expectations." I said with a laugh. "What was that today? With Luke I mean."
"He kept leaning too close. You didn't like it. I could tell." He said. "I didn't like either."
"Well thank you for that." I told him, my cheeks heating up.
"Anything for you, princess." He whispered close to my ear.
"Anything? I'll remember that." I said laughing quietly. He rolled his and I laid my head on his shoulder. Taking in the lights, I felt content.

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