Chapter 20: The Dance

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"I'm sorry?" I asked, dumbfounded.
"Would you join me in a dance. Please?" He added that last word like it was an afterthought. An annoyance. He was not smiling, serious as always. And his hand was still extended.
"Sure. I guess." I took his hand but looked at Jack. He shrugged his shoulders, his face giving away nothing.
When we got out on the dance floor, he took one of my hands and placed his other hand on my waist. We moved in slow awkward circles.
"You look lovely." He said. I felt a lot of things in that moment. Annoyed, livid, and most importantly, disgusted.
"Thanks." I replied, keeping it short.
"How's the vacation going?" He asked. "Looks like you and that boy are getting along well." He looked angry. Good.
"His name is Jack." I said. "And the vacation is going well. We're having a lot of fun."
"I see. So he's your rebound then?" He said with a smirk.
"Excuse me?" Anger laced my voice. I hope I didn't hear that correctly.
"I reject you so then you flounce around with him. Using him to make me jealous or something?" He said with a nasty laugh.
"What I do with him is absolutely none of your business. You have no right to even bring him up like that. I'm not using him." I could feel temper rising. "I could care less if you were jealous. I don't give a shit about you."
"Nasty words. Do you know what it looks like when you hang all over a man who isn't your mate?" He leaned in close. "A slut."
I didn't even think, I just reacted. I slapped him so loud, everyone around us stopped moving. I stepped away from him and squared my shoulders. I didn't care if he was the alpha.
"Fuck off. You are nothing but a pathetic sack of shit." I said, my voice rising. "I think it's best if you never speak to me again."
I didn't wait for his response as I ran from the ballroom. The moment I was through the doors, Jack was there. Zane and Marie following close behind.
"What just happened?" Zane demanded.
"That prick has the nerve to call me a slut. Because I'm here with Jack." I yelled. "Who does he think he is?"
"I'd offer to knock the shit out of him but I think you did a good job." Zane responded. I looked at Jack and I could practically see the steam coming out of his fears.
"Forget him. I'm gonna stay out here for a bit and then come back inside. I just need to cool off." I said as I started pacing a little.
"I'll stay with you." Jack said. Zane and Marie both nodded and went back inside.
"I can't believe him. That was so uncalled for." I kept pacing until Jack stopped me. He pulled me into a hug. I didn't hesitate to wrap my arms around him and lay my head on his chest.
"Forget about him. He's just jealous." He murmured. "And I mean who wouldn't be? Look at you."
I laughed and my anger dissolved. He pulled back and took my hand. We walked around outside for twenty minutes before deciding to go back inside.
"Dance with me." He said right before we reached the doors. He looked a little nervous.
"I'd be happy to." I said, taking his arm. We walked back through the doors and I could hear the music starting again.
"It's a waltz. Do you know how to do it?" I said, jokingly.
"Actually I do. My parents made me take dance for years." He said, cheeks flushing as he led me to the middle of the dance floor.
"You keep surprising me." I said with a smile.
"I hope I continue to surprise you." He grabbed my hand and pulled me to him. "Let's see if you can keep up."
I laughed but let the music take over. We started moving as one, mirrored with the other dancers. My eyes met him and it felt as though the world exploded.
He swept me across the dance floor and never took his eyes off mine. I was suddenly aware of everything in that moment. His hand was firm on my lower back, while his other hand held mine softly. His stare was intense and I felt as though it reflected my own. I couldn't tear my eyes from his his. Through every turn and every step, that was all I saw. There were so many words spoken without ever opening our mouths. I somehow knew, this would open up so much more between us.
    It was almost as if I could feel the fire in his eyes. It was there, deep within my soul. With every step, I forgot about everything around us. It was only me and him. When the music slammed to a stop, so did we. Together, we stood there panting. Neither of us taking our eyes off the other. He still held me close, his face just inches from mine.
    "I think we should get out of here." He whispered. I nodded.
    "Agreed. Let's go." I whispered back. Grabbed my hand and pulled me from the door, keenly aware that several sets of eyes were on us.

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