Princess of Night (ch 8)

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"Chris!! Quiet down please!" the teacher tutted.

"I'm just spreading some Christmas cheer!" said Chris Stones, smiling away.

I groaned and put my head on the desk. "I don't know how he can be so energetic in the morning. I'm shattered." I said to Lisa.

"Me too," Lisa said, rubbing her eyes. I looked around the classroom - at the red and green christmas decorations around the walls and the pathetic skinny christmas tree in the corner of the room, covered with silver and red balls.

"Come on, Scrooges. You should be getting in the Christmas cheer. We're off tomorrow for Christmas Break. Two whole weeks of eating chocolate, turkey and pudding...Bliss! And no school!!" Scarlett said, cheerily, her shiny shoulder length blonde hair bouncing as her head moved from side to side.

As it was the last day of school before Xmas, there was no classes. Instead we were being treated to a Christmas Show. The auditions had been going on for weeks, and usually I never took part in the shows. But something had come over me this year and I had auditioned. For a smallish part, though. I was the Ghost of Christmas Past.

Scarlett wanted to be Scrooge, but Chris Stones had got that part. Instead she had bagged the Ghost of Christmas To Come. She was wearing a big fat santa suit to be the jolly ghost.

I went down the hall to get ready for the performance. I slipped into the thin silky white dress for my part and put on my make-up.

"You look great!" Scarlett said. I turned around and burst out laughing when I saw her. The large padding green suit did make her look like Santa. She also had put on blusher for rosy red cheeks and had a long ginger stick-on beard.

"Look in the mirror," I said simply.

Before long, I could hear her howls of laughter as she looked at herself.

All of the cast filed backstage and we waited nervously until we could hear the sound of the hall filling up.

As the curtains parted, I waited in the sidelines, nervously but also excited.

"You're on next!" the teacher mouthed at me from the other side of the stage.

I nervously stepped out onto the stage. I took a deep breath.

"I am the Ghost of Christmas Past!!"

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