Princess of Night (ch 6)

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Beep. Beep.

I groaned and hit my alarm, turning it off.

It was my first day of school. That also meant the first day of torture.

I clambered out of bed and pulled on my clothes, a wine coloured vest and cropped jeggings. I closed my blinds, blocking the blinding sun.

I went downstairs and fixed up some cereal and toast.

I shovelled the cereal into my mouth quickly and crammed the toast in rushing out to the waiting bus.

As soon as I got on I was met by several classmates asking me if I was ok, what had happened to me, what do i remember, etcetera, etc.

I dismissed them with a wave of my hand and went to sit beside my friend, Lisa.

"Hi, Ash!" she looked up from her book.

Lisa always had her head in some book. I peered at the cover. It was Harry Potter.

"So, what on earth happened to you?" She asked, her eyes wide. I could feel the eyes of the whole bus on my back, waiting for my answer.

"I don't know. I can't remember," I shrugged.

Lisa leaned in and whispered in my ear. "Can you really not remember, or are you just putting it on?"

I gasped. "I can't believe you would think such a thing."

Everyone looked at me and I lowered my voice.

"I can't remember, OK?"

Lisa nodded. "I;m sorry."

I marched into the school building, ignoring the comments and whispers, and went straight to my locker.

I opened it and my books fell out onto the floor. I began to pick them up, muttering angrily under my breath. "Hia," a familiar voice said. I looked up to see Matthew. He had midnight black hair and brown eyes. I'd known Matthew since Primary school.

"Thanks," I said gratefully. He began to pick up the books and handed me a pile which I stuffed into my locker.

He began flicking through his homework diary. "I have chemistry and history, so you have ICT and history."

I picked out those books and waved him goodbye as I headed off to the ICT room.

I walked into the classroom and went to sit beside Lisa, who was chatting away to Scarlett, also my friend.

Scarlett is the most popular girl at school. She's probably the chattiest of my group of friends. Not a pleasant type of chatty, though - she never shuts her mouth.

Which can be very annoying.

 "Hi, Ash! So, where were you? Do you have amnesia? What do you last remember?" she said.

I rolled my eyes at Lisa who was making talking motions with her hand.

Scarlett must have realised, because she turned around and shoved Lisa playfully. I sat down and logged on to the computer, waiting for the teacher to arrive.

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