Author's Note

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Thanks for reading PON, if you did finish it, don't be afraid to comment. I don't mind constructive critiscism.

I decided to write a vampire story because they are a very popular genre for teens today. I didn't expect to get over 100 reads, as sometimes the story did drag in some parts, but hey, 5000 is good enough for me. I hope to get more reads and votes (please vote because I would like to get on the What's Hot list- voting costs nothing!!)

If there are enough reads, I may consider writing a sequel about Ash's life as a vampire.

I also may consider writing a spin off on Lucia's early life and how she meet Gareth etc.. (if there are more reads, and votes)

I hope you enjoyed Princess of Night, it was enjoyable to write even if I did get writer's block a few times. I would be grateful if you had a look at my other stories (The Artificial Girl is now completed). Vote if you like :)

Comment, Vote, Fan, Share. Thanks! :0)



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