Princess of Night (ch 18)

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I opened the door of the school hall and breathed out. It was a warm night, and the air was muggy. A few stars glowed softly in the dark purple sky.

I walked slowly out to the patch of grass that served as our schools garden.

I took my heels off and squished my toes in the soft warm grass. The sky was beautiful. I guess this is why people go star gazing, I thought.

As I was staring at the sky, I heard a twig snap and I whipped around. Gareth stood in front of me, a dark look on his face.

"Hello?" I said awkwardly. He did not answer. He just stared into my face, his eyes an empty blue.

A long silence followed until Gareth came closer. I backed away until I was about 3 foot from the brick wall of the hall.

"Ash..." he said, his voice distant.

I was slightly scared. Why was he acting this way?

He stepped closer to me and soon we were so close I could feel his cool breath on my face.

My breath caught in my throat and I opened my mouth to say something, but then Gareth leaned in..

Something rose inside me and I pushed him backwards. He stumbled but regained his balance. Shock filled his face.

"What was that about! Gareth?!" I yelled, my voice breaking at the end.

There was another silence, and then a look of anger crossed Gareths face. He pushed my shoulders back until I hit the wall. I winced.


He came towards me and placed his hands on my shoulders, holding me against the wall.

"Why are you doing this?" I yelled in his face. He didn't flinch.

"What you gonna do, Gareth? Force me to be your girlfriend?" I spat.

His grip on me released and I knew I'd hurt him.

I raised my knee up and kicked him in the shins, hoping he would move.

He didn't. I breathed out in frustration.

"GET....OFF!" i clenched my jaw, trying to force him off. It was no use. I felt like I was being held by a stone statue.

Then something strange happened. He opened his mouth and I saw fangs. Proper vampire fangs. I tried to scream, but nothing came out. And something inside told me that if I could scream, nobody would hear me.

I turned my head, and realised my mistake that in doing so, I had exposed my neck. Gareths hand was on my jaw forcing my head against the wall. I could not see him.

I felt paralysed by fear, and was unable to move as his fingers searched for a vein.

"Don't move," he said calmy. I couldn't move. I was too afraid. I felt his fangs as they penetrated through my neck and I felt wetness on my cheeks. I realised it was tears.

When he was finished, I slid down the wall and onto the ground. My head was spinning at what had just happened. Then, something very strange happened.

I realised where I had been the days I had been missing.

I had been kidnapped, used and released - only for my memory to be taken away.

I cried out as my memory came back, flooding into my mind like a dam that had overflowed.

Gareth and Neil had kidnapped me.. What hurt me the most was that Neil had been involved. The person I had trusted. The person I'd loved.

I ran, leaving Gareth standing confused, wondering what had happened to me..

I ran until my feet became sore. I ran until I had to take my shoes off and run in my bare feet. I ran until I could no longer breathe. Until I had arrived at my empty house, ran upstairs and locked myself inside my bedroom.

I got into my bed, dress and all and cried until I fell into a nightmare-filled sleep...

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