Princess of Night (ch 10)

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I opened my eyes just as the new guy walked through the door. The first thing I noticed was that he was very handsome. The second thing I noticed was that he was the guy my mum almost knocked down. The one that disappeared.

The teacher stood up from her desk. "Class, Quieten down. This is Gareth Reese. Our new classmate."

The name rang a bell, but I couldn't think why. The same confusion filled my mind like it had that night my mum almost hit him.

He smiled, showing a set of perfect white teeth. I could hear several people whispering about him. He's so hot.......He's mine!...No, he's not...He looks amazing.

The teacher cleared her throat. "Gareth is going to sit....there," she pointed at the empty seat beside

 me, "You can sit beside Ashlee, Gareth."

I groaned as green female faces turned round to look at me. I looked down at my feet, and tapped the desk with my fingers. Gareth sat down and turned to me. "Hi," he said. His blue eyes twinkled at me.

"Hi." I replied, quickly looking away as his eyes met mine. A shiver ran down my spine. I looked up at the teacher. "Page 126, Factorising, questions 1 to 10. Start now."

I opened my book and started writing.

I was stuck on question five. I chewed my pen wondering what to put down.

"May I help?" Gareth said, noticing me.

I nodded and watched as his hand moved across the page, writing out the equation.

"That's it!" he finished and I looked down at the neat sums.

"Thanks," I said, flashing him a quick smile.

I noticed that Gareth had already finished all of his questions, and it had been barely 5 minutes since he'd started.

I finished off the last equation just as the bell rang. Everyone started packing up their books and the chairs squeaked as they were dragged across the floor. I rushed out of the classroom to get to my locker before I could be squashed by the crowd of students. I opened my locker, fetched my break and books for my next classes and closed the locker, locking the padlock.

"Lucky you," I heard a voice. I turned around to see Lisa.

"How am I lucky?" I frowned.

"Uh, duh. You get to sit beside him." She pointed at Gareth who was already making friends with Scarlett.

I watched Scarlett chatting to him, winding her hair around her finger and fluttering her eyelashes.

"I know, in her mind they're practically an item," Lisa laughed. "What do you think of Gareth?" she turned to me, her eyes questioning.

"Um. I'm not that interested. He's something to look at, but.."

"You're saying you wouldn't like to be his girlfriend??" she exclaimed, as if it was a crime to say such a thing.

"uhhh. yeah.." I said, shrugging.

"You're mad," she concluded. "but I'll stay friends with you."

Gareth looked up from Scarlett and flashed me a smile. His eyes felt like lasers on me. I glanced away at Lisa who was staring at him dreamily.

"Lisa? Lisa!" I said, shaking her out of her daydream.

"Soz." She blinked. I took her arm and dragged her to the next building.


Was that good or what?! Ok, it wasn't that good.

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