Princess of Night (ch 16)

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a month later.......

"Mum, I'm getting the bus!"

I pulled on my coat and slung my bag over my shoulder. My mum came out from the kitchen. "Well, be careful."

 I rolled my eyes. "I know. It's the bus."

 My mum pressed her lips together and went back into the kitchen, where I could smell burnt toast. I opened the door and ran to the bus which was waiting.

 I sat beside Lisa who put down her book. "So is it true that you're going out with Neil?"

 News spreads fast, I thought. "Yes."

 Lisa smiled. "Well, you know Chris Stone...?"

 "You and Chris are....." I exclaimed.

"Yeah." Her face went pink and she opened her book and began reading again.

The bus stopped outside the school and I walked round the back of the school to where my form class was. The back of the school was dark and shaded by evergreens.

 "Ash!" I heard a voice and then felt an arm on my shoulder.

 I turned around to see Gareth, his eyes glinting in the darkness.

 "Gareth.." I started. I couldn't be bothered to do this.

 "Why are you doing this?" he said.

 "Doing what?" I asked, even though I knew perfectly well what he was talking about.

 "You and..Neil," he spat Neil's name as if it was a horrible taste in his mouth.

 "You can't choose who I go out with, Gareth," I snapped. I brushed his hand off my shoulder and walked away, leaving him standing there in the dark.

"Hello." Neil appeared beside me and fell into my step.

 "Good morning," I said, my voice clipped. I was very annoyed and hoping Neil wouldn't notice.

 We walked into the class and sat down. I looked at the notice board where a flyer was stuck up. It read:

:) :) Summer Disco, 13 June, 7.30 pm. :) :)

 It's summer already! I thought. Time sure does fly.

 "Are you going?" Neil asked and I realised he was talking about the party.

 "Yeah. I'm not going to miss a good party."  

Gareth walked into the classroom with an annoyed expression on his face. I ignored him. I was seriously angry with him.

Scarlett came over and leaned on my desk. "What's up with you?" 

"Don't even go there..i'm in a bad mood."

She shrugged. "Can't wait for the summer party!!  What to wear, though...."

"Why don't we go shopping then, and get an outfit?"

Scarlett nodded. "Yeah, Saturday's alright, isn't it? I'll go ask Lis!"

She walked away and went to ask Lisa if she could go.

I rested my head on my arms on the desk and stared ahead at the teacher.

"Ashley Greene!"

"Here!" I said, almost too loudly. I covered my face with my hair.

I felt a hand on my head, brushing away my hair and I lifted my head.

"Wakey wakey!" Neil said. His fingers traced around my face.

"Ticklish!" I squeaked, sitting up and moving my chair back.

He leaned in and pecked me on the cheek. I smiled.


I looked at Gareth who was pretending to stick his finger down his throat.

I rolled my eyes at Neil who gave me a "I despair!!" look.

I cracked Gareth a sarcastic smile. I wasn't going to let him annoy him.


I looked down at the dress and spun around in the changing room. It was a floral dress with one strap in the shape of a bow. It was white with blue, yellow, red and green daisies imprinted on it.

"That looks great! You should get it!" Lisa said, staring at me in the mirror. She was wearing a blue floaty summer dress with a sweetheart neckline.

Scarlett came in to my changing room. She was wearing an LBD with glitter on the straps.

"I love this shop!" She squealed. "The clothes are so cheap."

I looked at the label of my dress. It was £15. Which was a bargain. I undressed and put on my other clothes, taking the dress to the checkout. I paid for it and waited while Lisa and Scarlett bought theirs.

"Oh look over there!" Lisa said. "It's Rachelle."

Rachelle was the most fake, richest girl in our class. She was also pretty mean.

I watched as she sashayed into the shop, flicking her peroxide blonde hair and checking her orange face in the mirror.

Her 'minions' followed her around everywhere. They were as fake as her and copied everything she said and did.

"Ashhhh!!!! Hello!!" She took baby steps over to me in her stilettos, her arms outstretched for a hug. She put her arms around me and I stood awkwardly, as Scarlett suppressed a giggle.

"How nice to see you here.." She flicked her hair and studied her glittery pink nails. "What did you buy?"

She was searching around in my bag before I could stop her. She pulled out the dress. "How lovely!"

Her minions nodded in agreement. "Who's doing your make-up??"

Oh no, I knew where this conversation was going.

"Scarlett's doing it, right Scarlett?"

Scarlett shook her head. She gave me a smile.

I gave her a "WHAT THE..." look and turned back to Rachelle.

"Let ME do it. I promise I won't mess it up."

"Allriiiighhht..." I agreed reluctantly. Hoping she wouldn't mess it up.


That was quite long.

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