Princess of Night (ch 20)

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"What are you talking about?" Lisa's voice sounded on the other line. She sounded energetic and happy - the opposite of me. I tapped the edge of the desk with my foot. "It doesn't matter...."

"Obviously it does the way you're acting. You haven't talked to me in...days!"

I breathed out. "I fell out with Neil, ok? And also I've been really tired, lately. I think it's because I'm off."

"Oh. Why did you fall out?"

"It's a long story. Anyways I have to go now. My mum's calling me for dinner," I lied.

I put down the phone and pulled my laptop out from under my bed. I flipped it open and went onto the internet. I hesitated, before typing in: vampires memory loss

Not much results came up, as I had expected. But one website caught my eye.  I clicked into it, scanning my eyes over the screen.

Vampires have special powers which allow them to wipe the memory of their victims. Few victims ever get their memory back....

An eighteen year old girl was found after having been missing for over a week. She claimed that she had forgotten what had happened during her disappearance...

I scrolled down further - reading stories of several victims and pictures of newspaper stories showing articles on missing people who had amnesia.

So many others had gone through the same as me..

I shuddered as I recalled those days I'd spent in the cottage, my failed escape and then Neil helping me to escape. Neil..

He helped me to escape. Maybe he wasn't as evil as I'd thought.

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