He opened the door to the passenger side of his range rover and I hopped in as he ran over to the driver's side. I connected my phone to the Bluetooth and began playing my latest favorite song and rolled the windows down.
"Shelby, it's November, it's freezing!" Nathan cried as he rolled the windows back up.
"Baby, it's to set the mood of blasting music with the windows down and screaming the lyrics," I assured and he shook his head.
"You're crazy, Shelby," Nathan said as he put his car into drive.
"Where are we going anyway?" I asked.
"It's a surprise," Nathan said with a smirk.
"I don't trust you," I replied.
He shrugged his shoulders and put his hand on my thigh which instantly shot up butterflies and created warm and fuzzy feelings. My lips instantly curled up into a smile and he looked over and smiled his golden smile at me which made the butterflies explode even more. I slipped on my Ray-Bans and turned the volume up and relaxed while I stared at the love of my life drive.
We pulled up to a big white dome and the sign in big blue letters read, Carl's Figure Skating Rink. I quickly started to shake my head and crossed my arms as I sunk into the seat.
"Shelby, it's time to get out of the car," Nathan said and I shook my head.
"Nathan Parkston, I will never go ice skating. You know this is a big fear of mine and that I swore to my five-year-old self that I would never ever go freaking ice skating," I cried.
When I was five my parents decided to take my sister and me ice skating as a fun winter activity we could do every time during the holiday season. We got our skates and we were ready to go, I even had the bright orange ice skating trainer next to me. As I was putting on my skates I heard a scream from the ice, I looked over and there was a girl laying on the ice, unconscious. Everyone was evacuated off the ice and I peered over at the little girl holding her head as she cried. She tripped and fell on her head because the ice had a chunk missing and she tripped and got a concussion. After that, I ran to the lady and threw the skates at her then ran away never looking back. I do not regret it.
"Shelby, you need to face your fear. I wouldn't do this if I thought it wasn't good for you," he said as he jumped out of his car and opened my door then grabbed my hand.
"You better buy me Chick-Fil-A after this or I will never go anywhere with you ever again," I said aggressively as I unbuckled and threw the seatbelt off of me.
"Anything for you, bug," Nathan said.
"You know I love that nickname," I huffed and started to stomp away.
"Bug! Wait for me!" I heard him yell then his footsteps grew louder and faster and my hand was wrapped with his.
We entered the rink and I felt my heart sink, but Nathan wrapped his hand tighter to make me feel protected. "It's going to be okay," he said and guided me to the counter.
"Hey Nate, I haven't seen you in a while!"
"Hey Matthew! It's good to see you again," Nate exclaimed and did the weird bro hug thing that guys do.
"It's been so long, I'm glad to see you here again! Who's this?"
"Matthew, this is Shelby, my amazing girlfriend. Shelby, this is my good friend, Matthew. His dad owns the rink," Nate said and I gave him a little wave.
"Hi, it's nice to meet you. I'm guessing your dad is Carl?" I asked.
"My great grandpa is Carl, my dad is the third generation to own this amazing rink and I hope to take over afterwards," Matthew said.
"Oh nice, it seems like an amazing place," I said secretly dreading it.
"It is, now what size skates can I get you guys?"
"Size 11 in men's and size 7 in women's," Nathan said and pulled out his wallet and Matthew headed to the back to grab our skates.
"Alright, once you put on your skates bring your shoes back here and I'll keep them for you," Matthew said as he put our skates on top of the counter.
"Thanks man, what's the total?" Nathan asked and Matthew shook his head.
"On the house tonight, I haven't seen you in a while so it'll be my treat for your little date night," Matthew said and Nathan thanked him.
We walked over to the bench and I sat down as I took my Nikes off then slipped on my skates and tied them. I sighed and regretted not wearing thicker socks and could already feel the blisters forming. We handed Matthew our shoes and Nathan held my hand and guided me onto the ice. I was so scared and held onto the railing when we reached the entrance. Nathan stepped onto the ice and skated forward a little then turned back to help me.
"Go skate a lap really quick, I wanna see how good you are," I said trying to distract him.
"Are you sure? I'm pretty good," he said as he began skating backwards and began skating away. He was fast and glided like a little penguin. I could see his smile beaming, he really does love to skate.
He came back and grabbed my hand trying to guide me onto the ice. My first step was okay and my foot followed, I sighed as I was officially on the ice. He held both of my hands as he skated backwards trying to guide me and I slowly tried walking.
"Don't walk, just stay still and try to keep your balance. I'm going to help you glide, okay?" Nathan asked and I nodded.
He guided me and I started to glide as I kept my balance. I was skating! We went around like this for a few times and I got a little comfortable where he held only one hand.
I then accidentally lost my balance and I began to fall and held onto Nathan's hand. We tumbled onto the cold wet floor together and I began laughing and Nathan smiled and started laughing with me.
"Are you okay?" Nathan asked as we just laid on the ground together.
"Yes, I'm having so much fun with you," I said and he leaned in for a kiss and I followed. This was a date I would never forget. He made me feel so protected and calm while doing something I was terrified of.
"Come on, let me help you up," Nathan said as he got up and grabbed my hands and I tried to get up but fell again bringing him down with me but he fell on top of me.
"Get your fat ass off of me!" I cried while laughing.
Hey!! I hope you enjoyed another chapter! I love y'all and I hope you're having an amazing day! Happy Reading! <3

Surviving The Parkston Boys [Re-write]
JugendliteraturHi I'm Shelby Wilson, I'm 16 years old and a sophomore in high school. My parents are going to be going to Australia to help my grandparents sell all their furniture and help them move here to Chicago. While they're doing that I'm going to be stayin...