Hi I'm Shelby Wilson, I'm 16 years old and a sophomore in high school. My parents are going to be going to Australia to help my grandparents sell all their furniture and help them move here to Chicago. While they're doing that I'm going to be stayin...
I dropped the letter onto the floor and was in shock... How could he have done this to me...
"Shelby?" I heard someone say and I looked up to see who it is but my eyes were too watery that I couldn't make out who it was. I put my face into my hands and started sobbing and arms wrapped around me and hugged me, I knew it was Will from the scent of the cologne.
Mason started to whimper next to me and rubbed his nose into hands.
"Mason, go away boy." Will said and pushed the pup away.
I lifted my head up and looked at Will but all I saw was a blur as tears streamed down my face.
"Shelby, what's wrong?" Will asked me and I couldn't speak all I did was shake my head.
Mason nudged the letter with his nose over to Will and he picked it up and read over it and scoffed as he read it.
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Mason Wilson
"Is this kid for real?" Will asked as I sniffled and he wrapped me in a hug.
"Shelby, why are you crying?" Nat asked and ran over to me and I grabbed Mason and he cuddled me and licked my face and I couldn't help but giggle.
"Babe, did you see this note?" Will asked as he handed her the note.
"I didn't read it but I knew it was on the counter." Natalie said and she opened the letter.
What was on the note kept on going on and on in my head...
Dear Shelby,
It's Nate here so since you weren't answering your texts I decided to write you a little letter just a little old fashioned. I wanted to tell you that I can't do this anymore... by this I mean, us. I decided that I needed to move on and be with someone else... I'm now dating Tiffany and I'm happy with her and I hope you're happy for me. I hope we can still be friends and I'll see you around.
"This kid..." Natalie said with a growl.
"Nat, can I take a rain check on that picnic?" I asked her and she gave me a hug.
"Of course..." Nat said as I wrapped my arms around her.
"Come on Mas, let's go to my room." I said and he replied with a bark and we walked back into my room. -=+=- NATALIE'S POV-
I knocked on the door and Marcy opened the door and I asked, "is Nathan home?"
"Hello Natalie, yes he is. May I ask why you're looking for my son in such a hurry?"
"He wrote this letter to Shelby." I said and handed her the note and she looked over it and her eyes went wide.
"NATHAN PARKSTON!!" Marcy yelled and he walked upstairs from the basement.
"What's going on?" Nathan asked and I was fuming with anger.
"You tell me." I said and threw the note in his face.
"Nathan..." Marcy said as her heart was breaking for Shelby.
"I'm with Tiffany now, everyone's going to have to deal with it. I'm especially talking to your family, Natalie." Nate said and I couldn't help but scoff.
"You're so lucky that your mother is here because I would beat the shit out of you. Excuse my language, Marcy. But I'm so fucking glad that you're not dating my little sister because she deserves so much better than the asshole I'm looking at. So stay away from Shelby and if I hear a damn thing about you or if you did something to hurt my little sister than I will hunt you down and I don't care if your mother or your grandmother is here, I will beat the shit out of you. So stay the fuck away from Shelby." I said and turned around and walked away.
"You don't scare me, Natalie!" Nathan yelled.
"I know I don't, but I bet my husband who is a lawyer will." I said and got in my car and drove off.
Gotta protect Stars in someway.
"Shelby..." Madie said and gave me a hug.
"I'm fine Mads, thank you for the hug though." I said with a tight smile.
My heart dropped to my stomach as I saw Nathan walking over to us with Tiffany by his side.
"Hi Shelby." I heard her voice say and I cringed just by hearing her voice.
"Hi Tiffany. Nathan." I said and he looked down at his shoes.
"If you can't look her dead straight in the eyes then don't even try to talk to her." Madie told Nathan and grabbed my hand and pulled me away from them.
"Thanks Mads." I said and she smiled.
"I'm your best friend, I'm here to protect you and be there for you." Madie said and hugged me.
"Now, let's get to class. I heard there's a new guy in our English class." Madie giggled and I smiled as we walked to class.
I stepped into my classroom to see all the girls giggling and gesturing over to a boy and I just laughed at how stupid they looked. The boy lifted up his head and it was Gabe Holler...
"Gabe!" I said and he smiled and ran up to me and gave me a hug.
"Hi Shelbs, I'm back." Gabe said and I smiled at him.
"Just like you promised in 6th grade." I said and he nodded and I couldn't stop smiling.
"My mom got a new job offer here and I wanted to come back to Chicago so she took the offer and now I'm here." Gabe said and I smiled.
"I'm so glad to have you back here!" I said and hugged him one last time and all the girls glared at me and I sat down next to Kate.
"I'm guessing you know him?" Kate asked me and I nodded with a smile.
"Remember I transfered schools in middle school to your's? Well Gabe is an old friend from my old old school." I explained and she nodded.