I was typing my essay as I heard a slight knock at the door and I got up and answered it. Nathan popped out and I smiled then jumped into his arms. His musky scent comforted me and he hugged me tighter.
"Hi baby," he whispered as he set me down onto the ground.
"You can't be in my room past 10, Nathan. What are you doing here?"
"I just wanted to talk to you, plus, it's only 9:30," he said as he pointed to his watch. I let him into my room and he sat on my bed. I walked over to my desk and closed my laptop and went to sit by him.
"What's up?" I asked as he put his hand on my thigh.
"Are we okay?"
"What do you mean?" I asked and he brushed a piece of hair out of my face.
"I feel like things have been off since yesterday after I announced I'm going to Stanford."
"Nate, I'm just trying to process everything that's going on right now. You graduate next semester and already chose an amazing school. You're ready to leave... I'm not ready to say goodbye to you yet."
He cupped my cheek in his hand and brought me closer to him. Nate wrapped his arms around me and gave me a big bear hug from behind. "I know this is scary... I know we aren't excited to do long distance and it's going to be hard. But, I will fight for you. Every second, every day, and I will come back home to you."
I replied, "I'm going to miss you."
"I'm going to miss you so much, Shelby," he said as he wrapped his arms tighter.
Today was the first day of Nathan's soccer season. He's captain this year and his club season over the summer went amazing but right now this is his main focus. After his injury last year he's been extra careful and has been doing some PT to get back to where he was.He jogged onto the field with his team behind, he looked so fine with his captain band on his arm. We made eye contact and he winked at me as I blew him a kiss. I can't wait to see him kick some butt. I sat down next to Madie as she snuggled up against Jeremy and I sighed as I watched Gabe mess around near the goal. I hope he doesn't screw this up for everyone...
The ref blew the whistle and the game began, a group of guys charging at one ball trying to kick it into the net while simultaneously kicking each other, what a sport. I sat back and watched as Nathan passed it to Cooper and he trailed it down the field.
I felt a presence next to me and I looked over to see Marcy and Ben sit next to me and I smiled at them while giving side hugs. I missed my second family and being around the Parkston family.
The game ended up being really close but the Jaguars beat the Knights, 2-1. Nate was drenched in sweat as he squirted the water from his green Gatorade bottle into his mouth and wiped his forehead of sweat with his shirt. It lifted a bit and you could see his abs and a little bit of his v-line and I could feel the girls awe at him. How did I meet such an attractive guy?
He grabbed his soccer bag and climbed the bleachers to where I was sitting and then picked me up giving me a big hug. I smiled and said, "great game, my love."
He kissed my cheek and said hello to his mom and brother while making small talk with them. I looked over at Jeremy and Madie as they giggled away and I'm so happy my best friend found happiness with him. Jeremy is a senior this year too so he's leaving too but is going to a local community college.
"Hey Shelby, we're going to head out and get some dinner. Do you want to come with us?" Madie asked me and I looked over at Nathan but he was still busy talking with his mom.
"I'll text you what he wants to do and I'll maybe meet you there?" I asked.
"Just shoot me a text and I'll give you the address, ok?"
"Sounds good, if not I'll see you tomorrow at school?" I asked and they both nodded and waved to me as they walked off.
Nathan turned to me and wrapped his sweaty arm around me, I cringed a little at the smell. "What? Do you not like my musk?" Nathan asked and I shook my head with a disgusted expression.
"Not one bit," I teased and he kissed my forehead.
"Okay kids, we're going to head home now. Be safe and don't stay out too late," Marcy said as she grabbed Ben's little hand.
"I want to hang out with Shelby and Nathan," Ben whined to his mom and she shook her head.
"Benny, we have to go home and get home to your daddy. He's coming home tonight from New York and we need to make him that yummy chocolate cake he likes," Marcy convinced.
"Ooh, chocolate cake!" Ben exclaimed with a bright smile.
"We can hang out tomorrow, little man," I said and he nodded.
"Okay, but you're going to bring Mason, right?"
"Do you only invite me over to see my puppy?" I asked and he gave me a big nod and I couldn't help but chuckle.
"I will bring him over tomorrow if you're mom says it's okay," I said as Ben turned his head to his mom with big puppy dog eyes and a pout on his lip.
"Mason can come over tomorrow if you clean your room tonight and pick up your toys in the living room," Marcy said and Ben jumped up and down cheering.
"Bye!" Ben yelled as he started dragging his mom away and she waved back at us.
"So, is there anything you want to do tonight, my love?" Nathan asked as he turned back to me.
"Madie and Jeremy invited us to dinner earlier, but we can do something else if you want."
"I have a different idea, come on," Nathan said as he grabbed my hand and we started walking to his car.
Hey, y'all! I know it has been a hot minute since I've posted an update but there's just been a lot going on in my life. I hope you guys are still interested in my book and I will try to be posting more often. Thank you for your support and patience throughout this journey and I can't wait to get back into writing. Happy Reading, my loves! <3

Surviving The Parkston Boys [Re-write]
Teen FictionHi I'm Shelby Wilson, I'm 16 years old and a sophomore in high school. My parents are going to be going to Australia to help my grandparents sell all their furniture and help them move here to Chicago. While they're doing that I'm going to be stayin...