Chapter 1

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"Go ahead and cry little girl. Nobody does it like you do."

———————— 8 years later ————————-

(Amelia is 18)

"Right hook" punch "uppercut" punch "duck then kick" duck , spin , then kick.Working out with my trainers is how I spend most of my days. Either that or spending hours in the gun range or throwing knives.

For 8 years I have trained non-stop , learning every different style of fighting , how to use guns , knives and swords. I even improved my first aid skills , so that I could be prepared for anything and everything. It's one of the many things my dad taught me , to always be prepared.

"Alright enough practice for today Lia , you have been beating the shit out of me for the last few months , I don't know what else I can teach you." My trainer Max , who was an old friend of my dads says to me.

"Yeah I know , I just like fucking you up."
Putting his hand on his heart he says. " But I thought we were friends." I just laugh and punch him in the arm.

"So what time are you leaving?" Max asks me.
Even though I don't want to , it's time i moved to a different location. It's dangerous staying in one place for too long. I can't risk Russo finding me before I'm ready. "I'll be leaving in a few hours , once I've finished packing the rest of my stuff."

Max grabs me and pulls me into a bear hug. "I'm going to miss you Lia." He says into my hair."I'll miss you too Max , I really wish I could stay but staying too long could get me killed."
" I know , I wish you could stay too."

I pull out of the hug and pat him on the shoulder.
"Don't worry I'll call you when I settle down and I'll check in at least once a month."

He gives me a pointed look "you fucking better , because I will track you down and hurt you if you don't." Laughing I say "Like you could hurt me."

"Fine I'll track you down , attack you and then get fucked up by you. But still , don't make me have to track you down."

"I promise I'll call you whenever I can." I say to him then give him a kiss on the cheek.

"And remember if you ever need help , you call me. I'll always help. Your father was a good friend of mine. He would want me to look after you."
Talking about my father mad me want to cry. I was a daddy's girl growing up. Even after 8 years I'm still not over my parents death.

"Thank you Max , my dad would be happy I have you in my life." He pulled me into another hug and kissed me on the head. Even though I haven't known Max for long he was like a father figure to me. Ho looked after me a lot and always checked in on me.

After saying goodbye to Max he leaves to let me finish packing.

Since all I have to do is pack my weapons I go into the kitchen and make some lunch. After a protein shake and bacon sandwich I make my way to the weapons room.

Since I have to pack light , and will most probably have another armoury room at the new house I decide to only bring the custom made knife and sword set that Max got me as a gift for my birthday , 3 months ago.

Since I have to pack light , and will most probably have another armoury room at the new house I decide to only bring the custom made knife and sword set that Max got me as a gift for my birthday , 3 months ago

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— knife and sword set^^^^^

Once everything is packed i put all my stuff in the all black Range Rover. With one last look at the house I've been living in for the last year and a half I start up my car and leave.

Even though it wasn't much of a home , I'm going to miss this place. A big house in the middle of the woods , quiet and had an amazing view. The perfect place for me.

With a quiet sigh I think of where to head to next.
Using my photographic memory I think over the list of safe houses that I had memorised the day I was forced to leave home.

Jacksonville , a small town in Texas is the best option. It's the closet place from where I am , but is also far enough away.Getting a map out of the glove box I find the root to Jacksonville and start my journey.

After 2 days of nothing but driving and a few pit stops I'm finally here , my new home.
It's a big three story house with black outlining , a porch and a little flower garden in front.
Outside there are 3 cars. Another Black Range Rover with tinted windows , a white Range Rover and a white 3 series BMW. I park my car besides the other ones and walk to the front door. For security purposes we have a keypad password to unlock the door instead of keys. And I'm the only person who knows the password.

After putting in the code I walk through the door.
Without even looking around I head straight upstairs to find a room and get a shower. After doing my nighttime routine and packing away the few things I brought with me I am finally ready to go sleep. After turning on all the alarms , putting a gun under my pillow and sticking 2 knives behind the draws next to my bed I get under the covers.
Since I haven't slept in 2 days I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.


Finally the first chapter is outttttttt.
It is short but I'll try the make the chapters longer.

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