Chapter 12

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"I'm nuts, baby I'm mad. The craziest friend that you've ever had. You think I'm psycho you think I'm gone, tell the psychiatrist something is wrong."

(Lia's POV)

I wake up early and decide to head back to my old safe house to grab a few more weapons for tonight.
Leaving the clubhouse, I jump into my suv and drive the familiar roads to my old house.

After a quick 10 minutes, I pull up to my driveway and jump out the car. I unlock the door and go straight down to the basement. Putting the code in and unlocking the door, I fill 4 duffle bags with the remaining weapons. Once I'm finished I head back upstairs to the first floor.

Just as I'm about to open the door, I feel a slight prick in my neck. I quickly turn around to find a man with a mask covering his face, holding a syringe. Wasting no time, I pull the knife that's tucked into my shorts and stab him in the jugular, and I watch as his blood spills out.

Being more cautious this time, I step out of the front door when suddenly I start to feel dizzy. Fuck.
I walk as fast as I can to my car, but just as I'm a few steps away my eyes start to blur and I feel myself slowly drift into the darkness.


I feel something freezing cover my body, and my eyes open and my body jolts up. Not being able to move I realise that I'm tied to a chair. Fuck , fucking fuck.

How could I have been so fucking stupid. I don't even look around for threats even when I knew that the warehouse was compromised. If my father could see me now he would have been both fucking disappointed and pissed.

"Ah look who's finally awake." A croaky voice sneers out from the darkness."How ya been Russo? It's been a while, hasn't it." I say in a sickly sweet tone.

"I would have been fucking great, if it didn't take so many fucking years to find you. But oh well , I have you now anyway." He says making me laugh.

"Your a fucking snake, and I can't wait until I get to torture you. I'll make you wish that your mother fucking swallowed." I say before laughing like a maniac.

I feel a harsh sting come across my cheek. "Wow , you can't even hit like a man so you slap like a little bitch." I say in a mocking tone. He roars and punches me 5 times. "You can't even punch like a man. What happened to you Russo? Did you turn soft huh? Or maybe it's just the old age gettin to ya."

"Act brave all you want now, but you won't be acting all brave when my men come in with their tools. We will make you wish you was dead, but we will never give you that mercy." He says. As if I ain't been tortured before.

I just ignore him. If he thinks that he scares me he is even more fucking stupid than I thought he was. In what world would I ever be scared of a fucking pussy rat like him. He can't even torture me himself, so he gets his men to do it for him.

I watch as he angrily leaves the room and bangs the door closed loudly. "YOU SHOULD REALLY SEE A THERAPIST FOR THAT ANGER RUSSO. ITS NOT HEALTHY FOR AN OLD MAN LIKE YOU TO BE HAVING LITTLE FUCKING TEMPER TANTRUMS." I shout out to him. I hear another roar and what sound like things smashing causing me to let out a loud laugh. Ahh this is just too easy.

Feeling tired and bored I go back to sleep.


I wake up from the sound of the door opening. I silently watch as 2 men walk in, one holding a bag and the other wheeling a cart in.

I calmly watch as they taunt me with different weapons, trying to scare me but they fail big time.
Do they really think flashing a knife around is going to scare me. Fucking pathetic.

Once they realise they ain't going to get a reaction out of me, one walks over and quickly stabs a small blade into my thigh. I bite my lip from the small pain I feel, but I don't show no reaction, I don't even blink.

The other guy who is standing by the cart smirks and pulls a small pair of pliers. Well looks like shit is about to get interesting.

I smile crazily at him as he walks over and grabs one of my fingers. He lays my finger down flat and clams the pliers onto my nail. I bite my tongue as he rips a nail out. Fuck that hurt. And it's weird, I mean I would rather have my fingers cut off than have my nails ripped out. It's just weird.

After 10 slightly painful minutes, I end up with no nails. Well at least this ain't as pathetic as when we first got started, so I gotta give it to them. I'm proud.

I then get moved from the chair and chained to the ground, laying on my stomach. I can't see them so I try to listen to find out what they are going to do next. Out of nowhere I feel something sting and burn across my back. Ahh they are using whips.

"Wow this a bit kinky, wouldn't ya say boys?" I say and laugh.

I don't get any reply but another sting on my back, except this time it's ten times harder. I bite my lips drawing blood from the pain so that I don't give them the pleasure of hearing me cry out in pain.

I lose count of how many time they have whipped me but I can feel blood dripping down my back. Ah fuck this shit is going to scar.

"Is that all you've got, you fucking pussies." I shout and laugh. If they really think pulling a few nails and whipping me is going to break me they are really ducked up in the head. Doing this won't break me, it will just make me crazier, and the crazier I get the more pain I'll inflict on them when I torture them. I'll torture them all. Every last person that works for that scumbag Russo.

I hear the sound of footsteps getting closer and then I get roughly turned onto my back. I grit my teeth feeling my wounded back press onto the floor, but I still do t give them any reaction apart from a crazy smile. And that's when I feel a cloth being placed over my face. And then, as expected, I feel water being poured over my face. Suddenly I feel like I'm drowning. Welp, this is a new one, I've never been waterboarded before. Always wanted to try it though, and I can't say I'm disappointed, it's quite a exceptional way of torturing. It actually feels like your drowning. You can feel you throat clog up with water and burn, your head pounds and your nose burns. I will definitely be trying this.

I feel the water stop and I cough, spitting out the water that clogged my throat and they start all over again. They do this 7 more times until my lips turn blue and heartbeat slows down to an abnormal slow pace. I watch as they leave the room.

My head falls back and I feel the exhaustion from being tortured finally hit me. Who knew that this would be so tiring? I close my eyes and fall into a peaceful sleep.


I know I said that I didn't have any ideas so I probably wouldn't be updating for a while but out of nowhere at 2 in the morning I just randomly came up with some shit to write so yeah. An early update for you guys.

I also want to say thank you to everyone who's given this story a chance because I'm not exactly much of a writer but yeah, thank you.

And also I've almost got 1000 reads which I honestly wasn't expecting, like I was surprised when I got one fucking read but yeah thanks guys.

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