Chapter 16

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"There's things I wanna talk about
But better not to give.
But if you hold me without hurting me
You'll be the first who ever did." -Lana del ray/ cinnamon girl.

(Lias POV)

It's been a month since I escaped from Russo and brought him with me as he cried like a little bitch.
We've finally had some peace, and I'm loving every moment of it.

Blue is finally getting better. He's put on some much needed weight, learning how to read and right. And I'm pretty sure the boys have been training him to fight, so that he can protect himself. A few days ago he hugged me and thanked me for giving him a home, and I literally burst into tears.

I feel Killer cuddle into me even more in his sleep. I can't help but silently coo at his cuteness. Who new the big bad president of a scary MC could be so cuddly.

Suddenly getting nauseous, I jump out of bed and run into the bathroom, emptying my stomach.

After a few minutes I feel killer come in and move the hair out my face, and whisper sweet nothings into my ear. After about 10 minutes I feel slightly better, so Killer carries me back to our bed.
"You need to book an appointment at the doctors. This is the second time you've been sick baby." He says worriedly.

"Alright fine, I'll call and book an appointment in 10 minutes." I promise him before getting comfortable and cuddling into him. I feel him run his fingers through my hair, lulling me back to sleep.


I drive to the Doctors with a prospect following closely behind. I pull up and park before going into the medium sized building.

"Hi, I'm Amelia Morino, I'm here for my appointment." I say to the receptionist. I watch as she types on the computer. "Yes, just take at seat over there and a doctor will call your name shortly." I thank her before taking a seat at the waiting area.

After 10 minutes a woman in a doctors jacket shouts my name, whilst holding a clipboard. I get up and follow her into a room.

"Hello Miss Morino I'm doctor White, it says here that you have been having morning sickness for the past few days." She says after taking a seat.

"Yeah, it's been happening on and off for the past week."

"Have you been sexually active in the last month?" She asks.

"Yeah I have."

"We are going to need to do a pregnancy test." She tells me making my heart almost stop. Fuck. I can't be pregnant, I'm too fucking young to be pregnant.

"Don't panic, you might not be pregnant. Just pee in this cup and bring it back to me. Once your finished it shouldn't take long to see the results." She says whilst handing me a plastic cup.

After peeing in the little cup thing, I put the lid on top and bring it back to the doctor. She leaves the room to check the results and I start to panic again.

What if Killer doesn't want kids with me? I mean shit, we haven't even been in a relationship for long, so it's not like we've talked about our plans for the future. What if he doesn't even want me long term?
Fuck, what am I going to do?

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