Chapter 6

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"Put your hands on my waist , do it softly."

-Amelia's POV-

I wake up actually feeling refreshed for once. Surrounded by warmth , I snuggle into my covers even more. As I get more comfortable I hear a groan.
Since when did my bed make that noise? Opening my eyes I see a muscular chest. I start to panic , but then I remember that I'm in bed with killer.

"Mornin darlin." I hear a husky voice say against my ear. Resisting the urge to shiver I say. "Good morning killer." And I roll off of him.

"Did you sleep alright." He asks. Looking at him I smile and say. "Never slept better."

Getting up out of bed he stretches and goes into the bathroom. Needing to get changed I make my way out of the clubhouse to my car. Getting my bag of clothes , I start making my way back to killers room.

Since killer is in the bathroom I get changed in his room. Because of my gunshot wound I decide to wear a pair of short jean shorts. As I'm pulling them up my legs I hear a groan. Turning around I see killer standing there looking sexy as fuck , with only a towel around his waist.

After realising that he can see my breasts I quickly put my hands up and cover myself. Without moving we both stand still staring at each other.

Killer starts walking towards me looking like he's in a trance. Not able to move I stand still. He stops in front of me with our chests almost touching. Out of nowhere he grips my face and kisses me.

After getting over the surprise of him kissing me I start to move my lips against his. I feel his tongue glide across my bottom lip , asking for entrance. Opening my mouth I suck his tongue into my mouth and moan.He groans again and moves his hands down my body to my ass and squeezes hard causing me to moan again.

Slowly pulling away from the kiss with his eyes closed I can see him grinding his jaw , looking like he's trying to control himself.

Remembering that my breasts are out I quickly move out of his hands and slip on a crop top. "Fuckkk" I hear him groan before adjusting himself under his towel. Feeling my cheeks heat up I look away.
"Shit I need a cold shower." He says before going back into the bathroom for another shower.

Fuck. That was so sexy. I've never been interested in boys. I've spent the last 8 years so intent on revenge that I didn't even notice boys. But fuck , killer ain't a boy , he's a man , a real man. And a sexy biker one at that.

Needing to distract myself from my thoughts of killer I go back to my car and decide to bring my weapons in. Holding 2 cases in each hand and a duffel bag over my shoulder I walk back into the clubhouse. Walking over to a big table I set the cases down and empty the duffel bag. Even though I've only just met the boys I can see their love for weapons.

Hearing someone walk up behind me I turn around and see killer. "Shit , where did ya get all the weapons?" He asks. "That house I was staying at. My father made sure that all of the safe houses had armoury rooms."

"I brought them for you and the boys. Thought that you might need em." I say with a wink.
"Well shit. The boys are going to love this."smiling he killers my cheek in thanks.

"Let's go get some breakfast." He says and puts his hand on the small of my back guiding me into the kitchen. "You know how to cook?" I ask him.
"Umm not really but the boys do." He says whilst scratching the back of his neck. Is he nervous?

"Want me to cook?" I ask "If you don't mind darlin."

Walking around the kitchen I take out all the ingredients that I'll need to make breakfast. After 30 minutes I set food down on the table for everyone. I make pancakes, eggs , sausages , bacon and toast.

"Something smells good." Rage says as he walks in with 4 other boys. "Help yourselves boys." I say and sit down to eat. Whilst eating more of the boys come in and get a plate.

After everyone eats I hear someone say. "Well damn that's was amazing." I thank him.
"Shit you made this?" I hear Ink ask.
"Yeah." I say and smile at him.
"Marry me." He says looking at me with puppy dog eyes. As I'm about to reply I feel myself being lifted off of my chair onto someone's lap. Looking up I see it's killer and he's looking at Ink with a death glare.
Okayyyy then.

After talking with the boys for a bit around the table , a man runs in and says that he's got something to tell killer and the boys.
"Church." Killer shouts and puts me on a chair , kisses me on the cheek and tells me he will be out soon.

Fuck I think I'm starting to catch feelings for killer.

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