Chapter 9

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"She got something like a poison. The way you hit , you got me frozen"

-Killers POV-

Laying with Lia asleep in my arms brings me peace. The fucked up voices in my head seem to disappear when I'm with her , It's like she calms the beast inside.

Looking at the blissful expression on her sleeping face , I can't help but feel a sense of pride at knowing that I put it there and that I'm capable of looking after my woman.

After 2 hours of watching Lia sleep , she starts to stir awake. As if in a trance I watch her beautiful green eyes flutter open. Looking at me she smiles and the sight of her smile makes my heart skip a beat. Fuck she's so fuckin beautiful.

"Have a good sleep?" I ask her. "Yeah , the best I've had in years." She replies in her sexy sleepy voice that makes my dick twitch. Knowing that she sleeps better when in my arms brings a smile to my face.

Kissing her on the cheek , I get up and get her one of my shirts and a pair of her shorts to put on. Handing it over to her , I watch as she slips out of the covers and have to stop myself from drooling at the sight of her naked body. Pulling my black Harley Davidson over her head , I can't help but admire how good she looks in my clothes , making me want to bring her back to bed.

Pulling my eyes away from her , I get out some clothes for myself and put on a plain black T-shirt , black jeans and my leather cut.

"I've got some work to do , but should be done in a few hours." I tell her. "Alright , I'm going to go for a run." She replies back. Pulling her to me , I give her a hard kiss on the lips and once I'm satisfied I slowly pull away. "Come to my office once you've  finished your run." I tell her before leaving.

"CHURCH." I shout as I walk through the bar to the church room. Sitting at the head off the table , I wait for everyone to sit down before getting started.

"Some of you might have seen the man who came in earlier." I say , and see a few people nod their heads.
"That was Lias cousin , Jericho Ruiz." I say.

"Wait , Ruiz as in the fuckin Spanish Mafia?" Wire asks sounding shocked.

"Yeah , turns out Lia's mother was the daughter of Juan Ruiz. Lia's mother's older brother took over after Juan. A few years ago he died and his son Jericho took over." I say.

"Well shit. No wonder she's so fuckin badass. She's related to two fuckin mafias." Hunter says.

"And even better , he wants Russo dead too. With us and the Spanish , there's no way that they will win." I say back making the boys cheer.

"So prez , when will you be making Lia your old lady huh?" Knuckles smirks. Thinking about her being my old lady brings a smile to my face. "As soon as all this shit is over." I reply.

"Whippedddddd." The boys shout.
"Fuck off. If yous had a woman like her , you'd be begging them to be your old ladies." I say back smugly.

"True that. I mean Lia is fucking amazing. Did you see how many bodies she dropped at hers the night she was attacked. And she only came back with one wound. She's the perfect biker queen." Ink says smirking. After hearing a few words of agreement I decide to move on.

"So anyone got anything to say?" I ask. After shaking their heads I bang the gavel to signal the end of church and go to my office.

Sitting down at the desk in my office , I go through the books for the clubs businesses and make sure that everything looks clean. Loosing track of time I realise I've been hold up in her for almost 3 hours and start putting things away.

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