Chapter 2

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"I was filled with poison , but blessed with beauty and rage"


Waking up from another nightmare, I check the time on the clock and see that it's 3am. For some reason I always wake up at this time , no matter what time I go to sleep.

Getting up out of bed I go into the bathroom. After Brushing my teeth and washing my face I walk into my walk in closet and pick out a black sports bra and black shorts.

After a quick light breakfast I grab my phone and go outside to go for a run.

Putting my earphones in I blast some rap music and start jogging. Since it's only 3:30am it's still dark out and the darkness calms me.

Running through and alley way I stop when I hear a bang. Taking my earphones out I look around trying to spot where the noise came from.

"Lookie what we got here boys." I hear a hoarse voice slur from behind me. Turning round I spot 5 men that all seem to be drunk. They all start walking closer to me but I stand my ground.

"What's a pretty woman like yourself doing around here all alone." One of them slurs to me.

"Yeah , it's dangerous round here." One laughs.

One of the men puts his arm out and goes to grab me. Before he can put his slimy hands on I grab his arm twist it around his back and snap it. He screams out and I kick the back of his knee making him drop.
Once he's on the floor I kick him once in the head and knock him unconscious.

I look to the rest of the mean and say. "Yous are the ones who will in danger if you don't fuck off."

"You fucking little bitch , I ain't scared of a little girl." One shouts and runs at me. Throwing a punch he's swings for my face. Dodging it I duck , spin then kick him in the jaw , and he's out like a light.

"Either you leave , or I fuck you all up." I say to them , giving the ones still standing a choice.

Ignoring my warning all 3 of them run at me and start swinging. Dodging their punches I grab one , knee him in the nose , push my foot down on his leg and breaking it then dropping him to the floor screaming. One of the 2 left standing swings at me so I duck and his punch ends up hitting his friend knocking him out so whilst he's distracted I grab him , bite his ear off , spit it out then roundhouse kick him in the face knocking him out.

"Well that was pathetic , I didn't even break a sweat." I say to them.

I pick up my phone and turn around to finish off with my run , when I see 2 men wearing cuts standing there and looking at me. Must be bikers.

"How the fuck did you take down 5 men by yourself?" One asks.

"Yeah that was fucking amazing." The other one agrees.

Ignoring them I run past them and start heading back home. My first day here and I've already got into a fight and brought unnecessary attention to myself from a fucking MC. Shit what happened to laying low.

Getting home I walk into the kitchen and make myself a glass of water. Downing the water I put the glass in the sink and head upstairs for a shower.

After a quick shower I get dressed into a pair of short Jean shorts , fitted vee neck T-shirt and white Airforces. I pick up my phone , purse and car keys.

Once I have everything I need I go downstairs and go into the weapons room that's locked by a passcode. Once inside I put a butterfly knife in my bra and strap another one to my waist. I also pick a hand gun out and put it in my purse.

Once I'm strapped up I go outside and get into my car. Putting the key in I start the car and drive out to the road. Following the signs I drive into town and look for a grocery store.

Finding one i park my car , grab my purse and slide out the door. I put some ray ban shades on and walk in. I grab a basket and get a weeks worth of food. As I'm queuing up to pay , 3 masked men run inside.

"Trova i figli di satana e sparagli" (find the sons of Satan and fucking shoot them.) shit they are Italians. Trying not to panic , I tell myself it must be a coincidence and that it can't have anything to do with Russo.I jump down and hide behind the counter. I get my gun out and load the clip and turn the safety off.

Hearing 3 shots ring out from the back off the store I skilfully make my way with my gun in hand ready to shoot. One of the Italians got shot and the 2 others pick him up and run out.

"Fuck , quick help me pick up Runner. We got to get him back to the club and get Doc to patch him up." A voice shouts. Looking over I see 3 men with cuts on that say 'Sons of Satan' I run up to them and say "wait don't move him , I need to slow down the bleeding first." I pull my belt off and wrap it around his torso tightly to put pressure on the wound.

"Shit , we only have our bikes." Fuck this guy is going to die if he doesn't get help.

"I got a car outside , lift him up and put him in my car. I'll follow yous on your bikes." I say to them.

"Alright , Rage grab his legs , I got his arms."
I show them the way to my car and unlock it. I open my back door and the boys put Runner in the backseat.

"Alright just follow us." They shout as they run off to their bikes. I jump in my car and start it. Following the boys we wake our way to what they call their club.

Parking up my car I jump out as quick as I can. Opening the back door Rage and the other guy run over to me and we all carry Runner inside.

We run over and put Runner on a table and wait for the doctor to come. Whilst waiting I keep putting pressure on his wound to stop the blood loss.

The doctor runs out and moves Runner onto a stretcher and pushes him out into another room.

"Fuck that was a close one." One of the boys say.
Turning to me they say "Thanks for the help , he wouldn't of made it if you didn't."

"Don't worry about it. Yous are just lucky I know first aid and was able to stop the bleeding before he bled out." I say back sending them a polite smile.

"Yeah it's a good thing you was there. I'm Rage and this is Sin." He says as he points to the guy next to him.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Lia." I say back.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?" A voice Roars from the back of the bar.

Well shits about to go down.

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