Chapter 11

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-killers POV-

After 2 days of hearing nothing about the Italians, Wire finally has some information. "I got sight of Russo on a private airstrip just outside of Jacksonville not long ago."

"So he's finally here , good. Now everyone needs to be on full alert , we don't want anymore bloodshed on our side." I say.

"When are we going to lure them into our trap?"

"Tomorrow night. Today we will be planning everything. We can't afford to make any mistakes , so everything has to be thought out and planned very carefully. Me , Runner and Sin was all in the military , so we will be in charge of making the plans."

Finishing up church Me , Runner and Sin walk to my office and all take a seat. "Lia is going to lure them to a secure location , where we will be hiding. We have 3 different warehouses , we need to choose which one would be best. We need to go over where to place snipers, possible exits, and which is in the best place so that the feds won't know what's going on." I say.

"What about the old shipment warehouse? It's in the middle of nowhere, and we can have 3 snipers on the roof that will cover all entrances. People out in the woods and men inside. We can even have wire set up cctv , so that we know when they are coming." Sin says. That could work.

Pulling out a map and blueprints for the warehouse , i say. "Yeah that's good. Now let's mark positions , exit strategies and placements for wire to set up cameras." I order.

After 3 hours of planning everything down to a T , we have a plan set.

Leaving my office , I walk out to the bar needing a drink. "What can I get ya boss?"
"Whiskey." Shit I hope our plans work. Russo needs to fucking go , not only is he threatening my club but also my fuckin woman. That shit can't run , threatening the 2 things that I care most for. He will be lucky if he gets a slow death.

Even though I know that we have more men and resources than Russo , for once in my life I'm actually scared. I don't want Lia or my brothers to get hurt , even just thinking about it makes me want to go on a fuckin rampage. My club is my family and Lia is the first woman that I've ever cared for and all I want is for them to be safe.

"Hey , you alright?" Lia asks as she walks over and plops herself down onto my lap. "I'm fine baby , just a little stressed."

Grabbing onto face , she pulls me so I'm looking straight into her eyes. "Listen to me yeah. Everything will be fine. Me and Jericho looked over your plans , and nothing can go wrong , everything is planned perfectly. By the end of tomorrow Russo and his men will be no more." Fuck she knows just what to say.

Pulling her face down by her neck, I give her a long , hard kiss. She's soo fuckin perfect, it's like she's made for me. "Come upstairs, I'm sure I can help make you less stressed." She says whilst smirking seductively. How the fuck does she make me hard from only saying a few words.

Following her up the stairs into our room, she closes the door and pushes me down onto the bed in a sitting position. Getting down onto her knees , she starts to unbuckle my belt. Helping her pull my trousers and boxers down, I watch as she bites her plump lip whilst looking at my hard cock.

Feeling her soft , dainty hands grab my cock , I can't help but let out a strangled groan. Her hands are so fuckin soft.

In a trance , I watch as she licks from the base of my cock to my tip , and takes the head into her mouth. Just the sight makes me want to cum. Bobbing her head , I let out loud groans. Fuck the feel of her soft mouth wrapped around me is the best thing I've ever felt in my life. Well apart from when I'm inside her tight pussy , because that's better.

Bobbing even faster , she grabs my balls with one hand and start massaging them. Not being able to hold back any longer , I cum in her mouth and watch as she opens her mouth to show that she swallowed. Fuck , i love her.

Stripping out of the rest of my clothes and putting a clean pair of boxers on , me and Lia go into the bathroom to get a wash before bed. I carry her back to our bed and lay down on her and push my face into her chest. Her tits are so comfy, I could lay her forever, I want to lay here forever.

Putting her hands on my head , I can feel her playing with some of the strands and slightly scratching at my scalp and fuck it feels so good. She knows just how to make me feel less stressed. Without her I wouldn't of been able to sleep tonight but the feel of her soft fingers playing with my hair , I can already feel myself drift to sleep.

"Night killer" I hear her whisper into my ear.
"Night baby, I love you." I murmur back sleepily.
And I really do mean it. I just hope she feels the same way.


Sorry for taking so long to update but I have like 6 assignments that are passed due and I need to do them before I get failed. And I know that this chapter is short but I'll make the next one longer to make up for it. And I know that this chapter is a little boring but it's more of a filler chapter.

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