Chapter 14

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(Lia's POV)

I don't exactly know how long I've been here but it must have been at least over a week now. I look over to the small form that's chained to the wall across from me. He's 10, fucking 10 years old and they have him chained like some fucking animal. I swear I'm going to fucking kill everyone here. I've already formed a plan, I'm just waiting for the perfect moment. And when the time comes me and blue will be getting out of here. Even if it's the last thing I do.

"Hey Blue, how you doing? Are you alright buddy?" I whisper over to him. When I first met him, I asked for his name but he told me he doesn't have one, so I named him Blue because of his pretty blue eyes. He told me that he loves it.

"Fine." He croaks out. Fuck, the kid is literally skin and bones so we got to get out of here soon.

After an hour I hear Russo curse and shout loudly. I strain my eyes and listen in to the conversation he's having. "We need to meet Rays boys in the south, Sons of Satan killed loads of their men and now they are demanding a meeting. I can't leave here so you 5 will be going in my place." Looks like this we be easier than I thought. I chuckle quietly to myself.

Flexing my fingers slightly, I push my thumb out of place and after a few minutes of fucking cutting up my wrist I'm able to get my right hand free. Taking the Bobby pin that was buried deep in my knotted, dirty hair I quietly uncuff my other hand.

Slowing standing up, I stretch my limbs and silently walk over to Blue. "Hey, come on buddy. We are getting out of here right now." I whisper into his ear, successfully making him perk up. I use my bobby pin to unlock the cuffs on both of his writs and then help him up when I'm done.

We silently walk over to the door. I put my ear up against it and when I'm sure that no one is outside I quietly open it. Stupid fucks didn't even lock it. Just outside of the door is a box with all the things that they used to torture me. Opening it up I pull out everything we can use to defend ourselves and give Blue 2 big knifes. I lock my hand around Blue's and pull him along with me as i walk through the building.

We walk up some stairs but both come to a stop as we hear footsteps just outside the door. I push Blue away and as soon as the door opens I put a hand over the persons mouth and quietly close the door over again. I make sure Blue is looking away before I slit the mans throat and slowly drop him to the floor.

After a few minutes of not hearing anymore movement we open the door and step out. After being in a dirty basement for over a week with no windows, as soon at the harsh lights hit our eyes we quickly cover them for a few seconds before removing our hands and squinting. After a minute of getting use to the lightness, we carry on walking through hallway. I hear another 2 sets of footsteps so push Blue into a corner so he's hidden and grab the first one I can and press the knife to his throat.
"Make a sound or even move an inch and I'll slice his throat." I whisper to the guy standing opposite from me. He nods. Good boy.

I tell him to turn around and move forward. Once he's turned around, I slit the guys throat that I'm holding and drop him before grabbing the guy in front of me and covering his mouth whilst I stab him 7 times in the back. Fuckers really thought that I wasn't going to kill them, how stupid.

I walk back over to Blue and pull him out whilst cover his eyes so he doesn't have to see the bodies. The kids been through enough, don't want to add see multiple dead bodies to the mix.

We walk into a living room and suddenly a door opens from across from us and 4 men walk out. As soon as they see us their eyes widen and they go to pull their guns out. I throw the knife I'm holding and it goes straight into the guys heart. Without wasting anytime, I push blue down so he's hidden behind the couch and I run and kick one man, knocking him straight out. From the corner of my eye I see a gun pointed at me so I grab it and push to the side just as he shoots. I hit his hand twice successfully making him drop the gun, and I pull a knife from my waist and slice open his stomach and I watch as his intestines come spilling out. Without even looking I throw the knife at the last guy and I watch as it buried deep into his neck.

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