Chapter 4

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"Baby I'm a sociopath , sweet serial killer , on my war path."

-Amelia's POV-

After proving myself useful for the upcoming war with Russo and his men , I leave the clubhouse and start driving home. Most people would be scared knowing that the man who killed their parents , took over their empire and is most likely trying to kill them but all I feel is excitement. I've been waiting 8 years to kill him and now the time is finally coming.

Lost in my thoughts of the numerous ways I would like to torture Leonardo Russo , the drive to my house quickly ends. Getting out of my car I walk into my house and head straight upstairs for a shower. I need to wash all the blood and sweat off my body.

After spending 30 minutes in the hot shower soothing my tense shoulders I put on some short pj shorts and a copped top , grab my laptop and get comfortable on my Queen sized bed. Going onto my laptop I read through Russo's files and check what he's been up to all these years. Not only has he ruined the business arrangements that my father had with other Mafias and gangs he's now in on human trafficking ring. Fucking disgusting rat.

I can't wait until I kill him and fix up the empire that my father built. After about 3 hours of research on Russo and his men I decide to get some sleep.

Grabbing my sleeping tablets off my bedside table , I pop the lid and swallow one. After 30 minutes of twisting and turning I finally fall into a dreamless sleep.

Hearing a weird sound I wake up. Checking the time on the clock on my nightstand it's says 2:30am.
I pull out my gun from under my pillow and make sure it's loaded. Then I pull out a few throwing knives and strap them to my thigh.

Hearing walking downstairs I quickly grab my laptop and go onto the security cameras. About a dozen armed men. Well it looks like Russo has found me.

I put my silencer on my gun and without making a sound I exit my room. Walking down the stairs to the second floor I spot 2 masked men dressed in black. Without wasting any time I shoot them both between the eyes. And carry on walking through the hallway. Hearing someone sneak up behind me I turn around about to shoot when he knocks the gun out of my hand. I throw 2 punches to his face and whilst he's momentarily distracted I pull one of the knives from my thigh and slit his throat. I push his body down to the ground when suddenly I'm grabbed from behind. Throwing my head back I headbut the person causing them to groan in pain. Turning around I slice open his face then stab him in the throat.

Hearing footsteps coming up the stairs I grab my gun from the floor and hide around the corner. Hearing the footsteps get closers I jump out and shoot 3 people in the side of the head. Silently Tiptoeing downstairs I walk into the kitchen first. Not noticing the person in there I get punched in the face , probably breaking my nose. Wanting to make his death slow I drop my gun and charge at the man who made me bleed.

I punch him in the face then start punching his ribs until I hear a crack. "Ahhhhh" he screams out sounding like a little bitch. Getting angry , he swings at my face. I grab his arm and twist it behind his back and hear a satisfying pop followed with more screams of pain. Getting bored I pull my knife out and stab him 2 times in the face and 7 times in the chest.

"She's in there" I hear from outside the kitchen. Picking up my gun I duck down behind the kitchen counter and wait. Hearing the door open I peak around and see 3 people walk in. I jump and roll into the centre of the room where I can get a clear shot and shoot them all in the head.

Feeling liquid run down my thigh I look down to see I've been shot. When the fuck did I get shot? Fuck this shit. I run out of the kitchen and kill the remaining men which only took a few minutes as there was only 3 left. Once I'm sure that everyone is dead and the house is clear I pack some clothes. Going downstairs to the basement I go into the armoury and pack up all the guns , ammo , bombs , knives and bulletproof vests in case the MC needs more weapons.

Once I'm finished packing up I load everything into my Range Rover. Going back inside I go to the safe and take out a new passport , ID and all the money inside.

Having everything I need I get into my car , put the key in and start the car. As I'm driving to the clubhouse my phone rings. Picking it up I see it's an unknown number and I answer it.

"Well if it isn't little Amelia." I hear a voice say through the phone.
"Leonardo." I say back.
"I guess I underestimated you girl. But make no mistake , the mafia is mine and I will kill you." He shouts angrily.
Ignoring him I just laugh down the phone.
"Ill be seeing you soon Leonardo. And don't worry if I do die I'll make sure to take you with me." I say before hanging up and throwing my phone out of the window.

I can't fucking wait until I get my hands on him. Im going to fucking torture him for weeks , and make sure he knows what real pain feels like.

Finally getting to the clubhouse after taking loads of twists and turns , making sure I didn't get followed I jump out of the car. I walk over to the door and bang it open. Walking in everyone is staring at me. Looking down I realise I'm covered in blood.

"What the fuck."
"What happened."
"Are you okay." I hear 3 different people shout at once. Ignoring them I look around and  spot Killer looking at me from the bar.

Walking over to him I calmly say "Leonardo knows I'm here." As I wipe some blood off my face.

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