Chapter 3

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"Insane inside. The danger gets me high."

Killers POV ——-

Sitting in church with the boys we discuss what may be an upcoming war with the Italians that have recently moved to town.

"Last night the prospect spotted some Italians selling drugs again in town outside of Joe's Diner." My Vp runner says.


"Fuckin stupid fuckers. I gave one a beating last week and warned them what will happen if we spot them dealing again in Jacksonville." Rage says back.

"Fuckers are tryna start a war. They are fucking with us , tryna show that they ain't scared." I say back.
"How about we give them a fuckin reason to be scared." I shout and all the boys start banging their fists on the table and cheering.
"Jacksonville is our town. If they think they can come here and fuck with us they got another thing comin."

Finishing up with church we all go out to the bar and grab a drink.

"What ya havin prez?" The prospect behind the bar ask. "Whiskey." I reply , needing something strong to calm me down before I start killing these fucking Italians. We need a plan first.

After a drink and talking with my brothers I go into my office to get some work done. Looking through the files my hacker had on Russo and his men. I try to fish out possible weaknesses or anything that could help me devise a plan.

After working in the office for a while I hear screaming coming from the bar. Walking out I see Doc pulling Runner , who's covered in blood down the hall in a fuckin stretcher.


"It was the fuckin Italians. We got ambushed. We was at the grocery store in town when 3 of Russo's men came in shooting up the place. They fuckin shot runner. After we shot one of theirs they ran out." Rage says.

"We are just lucky Lia was there and helped us. Runner was loosing a lot of blood but she put pressure on it and was able slow it down." Sin says.

I look over to the woman who's standing behind the boys and shit the sight of her made my dick twitch.
Long brown almost black hair falling in ringlets down to her waist. Dark green eyes framed by long dark lashes. A small button nose covered in light freckles. And fuckkk , don't even get me started on that body. Nice big tits , small waist that curves out with big hips that I want to grab onto. Fuck this woman is unreal , a bikers fuckin wet dream.

"Wait what do you mean by the Italians. Who are they."She asks looking panicked.
"The Italian mafia." I reply back to her.
Maybe she knows something.

"Are you talking about Leonardo Russo?" She questions. "Yes , he's the leader."
"Fuckkkk" she shouts and start pacing.
"You know him , don't you" I say to her.
Not saying anything she just nods her head and looks to floor in thought.

"CHURCH" I shout. Looking back over at Lia I say "your coming as well , and your telling us everything you know about Russo and how you know him." I order. Nodding she follows us into the room and takes a seat.

"We have a really big fuckin problem."I say getting everyone's attention. "Italians ambushed Rage , Sin and Runner at the store earlier. They shot Runner who Doc is patching up at the moment." I say to the boys. "They are starting a war with us. The Italians are no joke so we need to be on full alert before anyone else gets hurt." I warn.

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