Chapter 13

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(Killers POV)

It's been a fuckin week and we still can't find anything to point to where she might be. And I'm going fuckin crazy. The whole club is going crazy.
I didn't realise how much I fuckin loved Lia until she got taken from me and I'll do anything to get her back. I don't care if I have to single handedly kill everyone and everything involved with Russo and I will fuckin love every second of it.

"Prez, we've got one of Russo's men in the basement." Runner says.

"Good. Make sure my tools are out and ready for me. I'm in the mood for some fun." I smirk.

"Need any help?" He asks.

"Nah, I've got this." I say with an evil smile on my face.

For the last week I've felt helpless but now we have one of Russo's men and I don't care what I have to do to him to get the information I want.

Getting up out of my seat, I leave my office and walk down to the basement. I walk to the room he's tied up in and I enter. In the middle of the room is a man tied to a chair. This is going to be fun.

" look what we have here. One of Russo's lap dogs. Tell me how does it feel to be someone's bitch?"

"Fuck you." He shouts and spits at me. I walk to my tool bag that's laid out on the table and I pick out a sharp knife. "Normally I'd just kill you. But luckily for you, you have some information I need. So it's in your best interest that you tell me what I need to know or I'll make this really fuckin painful for you."

"I'm not telling you shit." He sneers. Wrong answer buddy. I pull his hand and lay it flat on the chair armrest, and I chop one of his fingers off. I listen to his screams that make the beast inside of me feel a little satisfied. "9 more to go. So what do you say, are you going to tell me or do you want to lose all of your fingers?" I ask.

He ignores me so I chop another 2 off. "You only have 7 left, so if I was you I'd start talking before we run out and I've got to remove something else." Again he ignores me, so I cut all 7 of the rest off. Maybe physical torture ain't the way to go here. And once we've got the information we need, I can still torture him after. I smile at that.

"I know who you are. It's James Lowe isn't it? You have a brother called Ryan Lowe. How's he doing? Good yeah. Well anyway, if I don't get what I want we might just have to kill Ryan." I tell him before sending him a crazy smile.

"Please don't hurt my brother. He doesn't have anything to do with this." He pleads. I don't know what it is but there's something so satisfying about seeing someone beg.

"See James it just doesn't work like that. Russo took my woman, which has made me a little crazy. See Lia makes me calm and collected, she calms the beast inside me but she's not here right now. And I will go to extreme lengths to get her back. So you need to tell me where she is before I make you watch as I kill everyone you have ever loved."

"I don't know anything. Please just leave my family alone. I swear I don't know anything." He cries out. I punch him, breaking his nose. Is he fuckin stupid or what? I want answers not to have him fuckin beg.

"James you really ain't getting it. You either tell me what I want or bad things are going to happen. So, got anything else to say?" I ask.

"I swear on my brothers life, I don't know where she is. I just sell drugs, that's all. I've never even met Russo." He cries. Well no point in keeping him alive then.

I stab him 5 times. 1 in each thigh, and 3 times in his stomach. And just for good measure I slice his throat. I watch as he chokes and gurgles on his own blood and as the life leaves his eyes. There's nothing like watching someone die by your own hands.

I pull out my phone and send a message to Wire to come down here. After 5 minutes I hear the door open and watch as wire walks in.

"I need you to find out where Russo's men work. And then I want this body delivered to them with a little message. No one fucks with the Sons of Satan and fuckin gets away with it."

"On it prez." He says before going back upstairs.
Maybe I should carve the message out onto his skin.
I smirk at my thoughts. This is going to be fun.

Twirling the knife around my fingers I walk over to the body that's still tied to the chair and I untie him and drop him to the floor. I pull his shirt up and write ' give Lia or die'. Once I'm finished I smile at my handy work.

They really don't have any idea who they have fucked with. There's a fuckin reason why I'm called Killer and If I don't get Lia back safe and fuckin sound, they will see just how much of a fuckin killer I really am.

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