Chapter 10

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"You can be the boss daddy , you can be the boss."

-Lia's POV-

Standing in the shower , I wash my body and hair.
Once I'm finished I get out , wrap a towel around my body and another around my head.

Drying off , I put some lotion on my body and get dressed. Finishing off my morning routine, I stand in killers room dressed in high waisted jean shorts and a cropped sweater.

Checking the time on my phone , it reads 12:30pm. Jer should be here soon. Walking down to the kitchen I make myself some coffee and walk out into the bar. Taking a seat , I wait for Jer.

After 10 minutes the door to the clubhouse opens and Jer steps in with a few men behind him. Walking over to him I give him a quick hug.
"Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" He asks referring to the attack yesterday.

"I'm fine Jer." I say back. Waving my hand I signal him to take a seat and I sit down myself.
"We have one of the attackers downstairs, tied up. He's one of Russo's men."I say.

"Did he say anything ?" He asks. "No. I asked if he knew any of Russo's plans but he didn't. He was just a soldier, nothing high up." I say.

"Anyway Killer wants me and you to join them for church." I tell him. Nodding at me with make our way to the church room. Knocking on the door , I wait for a signal to enter.

"Come in." I hear killer shout from the other side. Pulling the handle , I open the door and enter with Jer and his second Marco.
"Take a seat." Killer says , whilst pointing to 2 chairs.
Beckoning me over , I walk over to him and squeal as he pulls me onto his lap.

"Brothers , this is Jericho Ruiz. The head of the Spanish Mafia." Killer introduces. After a quick greet and swapping of names , we make up a plan.

"Russo is scheduled to be in the States in the next few days , Which probably means they will be attacking again soon. The first attack was more of a show , but the real attack will be coming soon." Wire , a hacker I've only briefly met once says.

"But with Jericho we will outnumber them." Killer says. " I have a plan." I say speaking up. Everyone turns to look at me and I start explaining. "What if we lure them into a trap. They don't know that Jericho is here working with us. So we already have the upper hand but if we lure them into a trap it will be quick and easy, and hopefully no bloodshed on our side ."

"That could work. They will think that they have the upper hand when in reality we do. I also have a special forces team of ex marines , and some military grade weapons being shipped in tonight." Jer replies.

Everyone agrees. Sitting on Killers lap , I move around trying to find a comfortable position when suddenly killer groans quietly and tightly grabs onto my hips , holding me still. Moving his mouth to my ear he whispers "What are you doing baby?"

"Trying to get comfortable." I whisper back as I move around again. Picking me up and turning me around , so that I'm straddling him , I feel his hardness press against my clothed pussy. "Is that better baby." He whispers as he pushes me further down onto his erection. "Fuck , what are you doing killer?" I ask , wary of all the people and my older cousin in the room. Sliding his hand inside my shorts and down my panties , I feel his thumb graze my clit. "Can you keep quiet for me baby , huh?" He asks. Nodding , I put my head into his neck and bite my lip to keep in the moans that are begging to be released from the sweet torture his fingers are doing to my pussy.

Feeling my pussy tighten around his fingers , I know that my orgasm is close. "Don't cum yet." He orders , whispering into my ear quietly.

After what feels like forever, everyone leaves the room. Not being able to hold it anymore , I cum , moaning loudly. Once I finally catch my breath , I feel killer wrap his fingers around my neck. "Did I say you could cum?" He asks with a dangerous tone in his voice. Shivering slightly I answer "No."
"Do you want to know what happens when you don't follow orders? You get punished." He says against my ear. Fuck , is it me or is it getting hot in here. Even more hot than when he was fingering me.

"What kind of punishment." I whisper back.
Grabbing a fistful of my ass cheek he replies "I'm gonna spank this pretty ass red." He says and delivers a slap to the same cheek causing me to moan.

Getting up , he walks over to the door and locks it. Walking back over to me he says "strip." In a commanding tone. Seeing his very serious facial expression , I start to strip out of my clothes.

Once I'm fully naked , I stand in front of him. "Bend over the table." He commands.

"Count." He says. Confused I ask "what do you mean co-" I get interrupted by a hard slap across my ass making me moan out. "Count." He says again.
"One" another slap. "Two." Another slap. "Three." I moan out. "You like that huh?" He ask , breathing on my neck. Moaning out a yes , he gives me 7 more slaps before slamming into me hard making me scream out. "Fuck. Killerrrrr."

"That's it baby. You look so sexy bent over , taking my cock." He groans into ear. Fuck , why is that so fucking sexy.

Pulling out of me , he turns me around so I'm laying on my back and thrusts into me again , but even harder. Screaming his name , I feel the familiar sensation in the bottom of my stomach. After a few more pumps I shatter around him. After coming inside me he pulls out and pulls his jeans back up. Fuck . I swear every time it gets better and better.

Sitting me up , he helps me put my clothes on. Getting up we both walk to the door , but with me slightly behind limping from the soreness between my legs.

Walking out of the church room , I look up to see everyone staring at us. "Have fun in there?" Runner teases making me blush. Fuck they heard.
"Shut up." I say embarrassed, causing them to laugh.

"Wheres Jericho?" I ask looking around for him.
"He left after hearing your screams. Told me to tell you he's going to call later." Runner laughs.

Sitting down I put my face in my hands feeling even more embarrassed that my cousin heard me screaming from getting fucked. Hearing another round of laughter and then killer shouting "shut up. Yous are just jealous coz yous can't get no action." He retorts making me laugh. I do that a lot when I'm around killer. He makes me happy.

Fuck I think I'm in love with him.

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