Chapter 18 / Epilogue

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"He's out his head, I'm out my mind, We got that love , the crazy kind. I am his and he is mine, in the end it's him and I."

4 years later

(Lias POV)

I feel myself being shaken awake by tiny hands. Turning around, I look over to our daughter Rose.
"Mama, wake up. I hungry." She whines.
"Okay baby, I'll get up. Be quiet and try not to wake daddy okay." I tell her in a quiet whisper. I get up out of bed after giving Killer a quick kiss on the cheek.

I pick rose up into my arms and walk downstairs to the kitchen. "What do you want Ro?"

"Can we have choco- chocolate pancakes mama?" She asks, struggling to say chocolate and I silently coo at her cuteness. "Of course baby, why don't you go watch some tv and I'll call you when they are done." I watch as she squeals and runs into the living room.

It's weird to think how drastically my life has changed in the last few years. I went from being cold and heartless, to falling in love with a biker and having a child with him. And I wouldn't change a thing, I love my family.

Lost in my thoughts whilst cooking, I jump a little feeling arms wrap around my waist. Smelling the familiar scent that belongs to Killer, I relax in his arms. "Mornin baby." He says before kissing my neck, making me moan. "Killer stoppp, I'm trying to make breakfast." I whine, making him chuckle. After leaving a few visible hickeys, getting me all hot and bothered, he finally stops making me whine again but for a different reason.

Once I'm finished cooking, I dish everything out and we have breakfast together as a family. I feel so grateful for meeting Killer and his club. They gave me a family when I didn't have one. And along the way I fell in love with Killer and had Rose. And for that I'll forever be grateful. Sitting here eating with them, i feel at peace, like I finally know what my purpose is.

After eating breakfast, Runner comes and picks Rose up, one of her favourite uncles that spoils her a little too much. Who knew that big bad bikers could be brought to their knees by a 3year old little girl. She has them all completely wrapped around her little finger. I'm going to feel bad for both her and them when she starts high school. They ain't going to let any boys near her, and Rose being my daughter will be giving them hell.

Once Runner and Rose has left, Killer picks me up and hangs me over his shoulder, walking us both back to the bedroom. I clench my thighs together in anticipation. He throws me on the bed before stripping naked and i greedily watch the show, licking my lips. Goddamn my man is sexy. I stand up and give him a little show of my own. Slowly taking my clothes off until I'm standing in front of him, completely naked. I watch as his eyes darken and take my body in.

Seeing the last of his control snap, he pounced on me, making us both fall back onto the bed.
"Condom." I tell him, as he positions himself at my entrance. "Nah fuck that, I'm putting another baby in you." He tells me before pushing into me, making me moan out. He rocks into me fast and I meet his thrust, moaning out his name. His big hands squeeze my boobs and he leaves hickeys all over my body, making me claw at the sheets.

"Fuckkkk." He sexily groans into my ear, immediately making me orgasm. My body convulses underneath him and I scream his name. After a few more thrusts I feel him release inside of me. He falls down beside me and pulls me into his arms. "I love you." He whispers into my neck. "I love you too." I say back, before we both fall asleep, wrapped in each others arms.


Omggggg, this book is finally finished.
I hope you guys like this story, comment what you all think.

I've decided that I'm not going to be making a sequel but I've started another story called Saving Artemis, and I think I'm going to make a whole series. I feel like Saving Artemis is written a bit better than this story because this was the first story I've ever written. And I like the whole saving Artemis plot , and the characters better , so yeah.

Thank you to everyone who has read this and showed support, I'm very grateful to you guys.


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