Chapter 15

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(Killers POV)

When Lia busted into the clubhouse, I almost couldn't believe my eyes. I had to ask Rage if he was seeing her too or if I was just seeing things. As soon as I pulled her into my arms the voices stopped and I was finally able to breath again.

After getting Doc to tend to her injuries and telling me what happened, I literally threw her over my shoulder and brought her to bed. It's been too long since I've seen her and I want some alone time, I want her full undivided attention on me and only fucking me.

I watch the rise and fall of her shoulders as she peacefully sleeps beside me. For some reason, I can't sleep. I just feel like if i fall asleep I'll wake up and she will be gone again. I can't do it again, not again. I need her here with me, where I can keep her safe. Not that she needs someone to protect her, but I just can't handle the thought of her getting hurt again.

She came to town and turned my whole life around, but in a good way. And fuck, I love my life with her around. And I can't go back to what is was without her. I never realised how much I needed someone until I had them and they got taken from me. It really fucked me up. I was going crazy without her. The whole club was walking on egg shells around me, trying to be careful to not set me off.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Lias tired voice, calls out as she turns in my arms, and faces me.
"I can't sleep. What if I wake up and your gone again? I can't handle that again." I tell her, letting her see my vulnerability.

I watch as she slides onto my lap and straddles me.
She grabs onto face, making sure that I'm looking at her. "Listen, and listen good yeah. I'm here, I'm really here. And I swear on my life that I'm not going anywhere. I love you, I fucking love you. Only you. What happened will never happen again. It was my fault for leaving the clubhouse all by myself, when I knew that Russo had it out for me. I was stupid, but I promise to you that I won't make that mistake again." She tells me before giving me a hard kiss.

"Just don't do that to me again, I almost went fucking crazy."

"I promise you killer."

I pull her into a long, hard kiss. Showing her just how much I've fuckin missed her. As the kiss starts to get more rough and heated, I feel her start to rock her hips into mine, causing me to let out a loud groan. Needing to be inside her, I roll us over so I'm on top, I start to carefully strip the clothes off her body.

I look down at her beautiful body that's covered in cuts and bruises, and I still think that she's the sexiest, most prettiest woman I've ever fuckin seen in all my fuckin life. Moving down her body, I kiss every single bruise, scar, cut and mark on her body. When I get down to her hips, I pull them apart and over my shoulders.

I look at her pink, wet pussy and can't help but groan at the sight of her wet and ready for me. For only me.
Needing to have a taste, I slowly lick her slit, getting a loud moan in return. The sweet taste of her on my tongue, and the sound of her soft moans almost make me lose control.

"Please killer. I need you inside me." She mewls out, begging me. Loosing the last of my control, I bring my body up and leave a bruising kiss on her lips, before slamming inside of her tightness, drawing a loud, rewarding moan out of her pretty lips. Needing more, I rock my hips into her faster than ever, listening to the sound of our skin slapping together.

"Fuck." I growl out, overwhelmed by the feeling of her pussy squeezing my cock. Pulling one leg up and over my shoulder, I'm able to go even deeper and hit a certain spot that has her cumming almost immediately. "Of fuck, killerrr." She moans.

I feel my spine tingle, as her pussy clenches around me, making my thrusts get sloppy before I cum inside of her.

I hold myself up with my arms so I don't fall on top of her, and I just stay there, still inside her, connected to her, finally feeling at home. That's what she is to me, home.

I feel her pull my head down onto her chest, and I lay there as she runs her fingers through my hair, giving me the comfort and reassurance that I need.
"I'll never leave you Killer. I love you too much, and I can't even imagine a life without you, without this club. We are a family." And that one small sentence is enough to ease my worries and make me love her even more than possibly.

"Be my old lady." I tell her, finally growing the balls to do so. I feel her slight intake of air and I bring my head up to look at her. "You want me to be your old lady?" She asks with teary eyes.

"Of fucking course I do, have since the moment I fuckin met you." I tell her truthfully. She's had me wrapped around her pretty little finger from the day she walked into my life, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

"Oh my god! Yesss, fuck yes. Of course I'll be you old lady." She shouts excitedly. From the look on her face, I don't even know why I was so fuckin nervous about asking her. I look at her with the biggest fuckin smile on my face.

Feeling the happiest I've ever been in my whole life, I pull her into a long, loving kiss, showing her just how fuckin happy I am, right now.

Feeling myself get hard again, I rock my hips and show her how much I love her, by worshiping her body. And that's exactly what I do all night long.

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