Chapter 7

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"But she keeps me alive , she's the beast in my bones."

-Killers POV-

Eating breakfast with Lia and my brothers felt right.
Even though she hasn't been here long the boys love her and she gets along well with them. Most girls would be shitting themselves if they was sitting at a table surrounded by big bikers , but not Lia. And fuck , I found it so attractive that she was able to fit in with this lifestyle.

Even though I know Ink was only joking when he asked her to Marry him but fuck , it made me fucking angry. Staking my claim , I pulled her onto my lap and glared at Ink.

When wire , the clubs hacker said he's got some information I called all the boys in for church.

Once we was all seated around the table I spoke up.
"Wire has some information for us." I say and motion for wire to talk.

"I've had cameras placed all around the clubhouse and outside the gates. For the last 3 days there has been a black SUV parked down the road. I tried to run the plates but they are fake , which means it's probably the Italians spying on us." Fuck , that's probably how they found out where Lia lives.

"I've also hacked into Russo's phone and found out that he is still in Italy , but is due to fly out in a few days." Wire informs.

"Keep tracking him and give me any info you come across. I want to know exactly when he's coming and where." I Oder.

After going across plans and possible reinforcements we end church. Going back in the kitchen I find Lia with her ass in the air, bending over to get something out of a cupboard. Is she doing this on fuckin purpose.

Quietly groaning from the pain of my hard on pressing against my jeans , Lia stands up and turns around. "Hey Can I use your gym , I need to train."

"Sure , I got work to do but I'll come find you when I'm finished." I tell her before going to the garage to work on my car.

Taking my cut off and putting on some grey work overalls , I pop the hood and get to work on installing a new engine.

Even whilst workin on my car I can't get Lia out of my head. And fuck that kiss this morning , the sound of her soft moans almost made me cum right there. And damn her boobs were just the right size , not small , but not too big and rosy nipples that I want suck and bite on. Shit it's like she's fuckin made for me. Everything I like about a woman in one package. Not even known the woman for a week and I'm fucking obsessed , I mean shit I can't even look at another woman without comparing them to her. I'm fucking whipped over her even. I can't bring it in me to care. I want her and only her.

After 2 hours of working in the garage I go back into the clubhouse to get some lunch. Walking into the kitchen I see a few of the boys sitting at the table staring at something. Looking over I see Lia wearing short running shorts and a sports bra. Fuckkkk she looks so fucking sexy right now. I just want bend her over the counter and fuck her.

Remembering that I'm not the only person drooling over her , I take a seat at the table and slap them on the back of their heads. "Stop fucking looking at her." I order. "What , is she your woman prez?" Knuckles a nomad that's been staying here for a while asks. "Yeah , she's fuckin mine so stop looking at her or I'll rip all your fuckin eyes out." I threaten. It's pissing me off seeing them lookin at her like that. I should be the only man looking at her in that fuckin way.

"Sorry prez , we didn't know." Knuckles says whilst smirking at me. "Since when did you decide to settle down with one woman."

"Since I met her." I say whilst looking over at Lia who looks fuckin sexy , swaying her hips to the beat of the low music in the background whilst cooking.

Knuckles and the boys leave the kitchen after finishing their drinks. "Hey , you hungry?" Lia asks whilst dishing up what she made. I nod to her and watch the way her hips sway as she walks over to the table and puts down 2 plates. One for me and one for her. Before she can sit down I grab her and pull her onto my lap , where she belongs.

"Thanks for the food darlin." I say and kiss her cheek in thanks. Fuck I hope she cooks for me all the time. Her food takes like fuckin heaven.

After eating 2 grilled cheese sandwiches , I wait for her to finish hers. Turning her around so shes straddling me , I grab her by the back of her neck and kiss her. Fuck her lips are so fuckin soft. moving my lips with hers I lick her bottom lip , asking for entrance. Opening her mouth , I slide my tongue in and explore her mouth. I grip onto her thighs and pull her closer to me and grind my hard on against her causing her to moan into my mouth.

I stand up with her still in my arms and wrap her legs around my waist and start walking to my room.
Walking into my room , I kick the door shut behind me and walk over to the bed. I drop her on the bed and hover over her. I kiss her again whilst running my hands down her body. I start kissing down her jawline to her neck and sucking on her skin leaving marks. Grinding against me she begs for more.

"What do you want." I ask. "I need more. Pleaseee." She moans out and fuck , having her underneath me begging for more. I don't think I've ever been so hard in my life. "Tell me what you want Lia." I say as I stroke the skin on her thigh. "Do you want me to make you cum." I ask as I cup her clothed pussy. "Yesss please." She mewls.

Popping the button and pulling down her running shorts and panties , I finally get a good look at what I've been craving. Looking at the wetness dripping down her thighs breaks the last of my resolve. "Fuck. Look how wet you are for me." With a guttural groan , I move between her legs and lick her slit , groaning from the taste of her. Bringing my hand to her clit , I rub it whilst working my tongue into her pussy. "Fuckkkk . Killer pleaseeeee." She moans out whilst grabbing onto my hair and grinding against my face. Feeling her tighten around my tongue I slip a finger into her and pump it in and out whilst sucking on her clit. "Killllerrrr." She screams out and cums on my face. Lapping up her juices I sit up and look at her. Fuck she looks so sexy laying there with her hair sprawled out around her and trying to catch her breath from the orgasm I just gave her.

Moving up her body I grab the back of her head and kiss her again. Fuck I can't get enough of her.

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