Chapter 8

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"Come on baby , let's ride. We can escape to the great sunshine."

-Amelia's POV-

Opening my eyes and waking up to find myself in Killer's embrace is the best feeling I've ever had. Remembering what happened earlier, I can't help but clench my thighs together. Fuck he really knew what he was doing.

Hearing a phone ring coming from one of my bags , I untangle myself from killer and find the phone. Seeing that it's an unknown number I answer and wait for them to talk first.

"Hello , Amelia are you there?" A familiar voice asks.
"Jericho? Is that you?"
"Yeah it's me. We need to talk. Leonardo Russo knows where you are."
"Yeah I know. I had a little run in with them but I'm fine."
"Shit. Well at least your okay. I'm tracking your phone right now. Your not that far so I'll be to you tomorrow."
"Alright , see you then Jer."
"See you tomorrow cuz."
Hanging up I walk back over to the bed and get in. Pulling the cover over me I get comfortable. Closing me eyes I feel killer wrap his arms around me and I fall asleep almost immediately.

Waking up again a few hours later , I get up , untangling myself from killer and pull out some clean clothes from one of my bags. Going into the bathroom I undress and get into the shower.

After a quick 10 minutes in the shower , I step out and dry myself off with a towel. Getting dressed and doing my morning routine , I leave the bathroom and find killer still asleep whilst cuddling a pillow.
Laughing quietly under my breath I leave the room and start heading to the kitchen to make some breakfast.

After making a big stack of pancakes, I cut up some fruit and make a fresh pot of coffee. As I'm finishing up , some of the boys start piling in. "Help yourselves boys , just save some for everyone else." I tell them and get a chorus of thanks in return. Taking a seat myself , I fill a plate and start eating.

Once everyone's finished I take all the plates and cutlery and start washing up. Halfway through I hear shouting coming from the bar. Drying my hands I walk out to see what's going on.

"Just tell me where the fuck Amelia is before I put a fucking bullet in your head." I hear a familiar voice say. "What the fuck do you want with my woman." Killer replies. Hearing killer call me his woman gave me butterflies.

I walk out to the bar and see my older cousin and killer squaring up to each other. "JERICHO." I shout and run into his arms. Putting his arms around me he squeezes me. "I missed you lil cuz." He says.
"Cuz? He's you cousin?" Killer asks behind me.
Turning around to him. "Yeah , he's my moms brothers son." I reply. As soon as I say that killer calms down. Was he jealous?

"I'll be in my office doing some work. Come find me when yous have finished catching up." Killer says and kisses my forehead. "Yeah I will." I smile.

Walking over to a table me and Jericho take a seat.
"Not even here a month and you already got yourself a man ay." He teases making me cheeks heat up.
"Shut up." I say. "How have you been though? I really missed you Jer."
"I've been alright. I've missed you too but I've been busy you know. Taking over for my dad wasn't easy." He replies.

"Yeah , must have been hard for you."
"So what are we going to do about Russo? As soon as I heard he had found you I got the first flight here. You should have called me the second you knew you was compromised." Jer says.

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