74. Some Glance, Some See

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"There that is a perfect fit" Karna exclaimed softly once the little floral trinket adorned Draupadi's hand, "I said I will make some different from those headbands but something similar too so I made a bangle which is circular like those things you all are making."

While the youngest lady there clapped in admiration, the oldest only smiled though her eyes danced in an amusement rarely seen in them before and the lady in the middle of them could only laugh softly not completely ignorant of the kind of Karna's motive like her younger sister nor was in absolutely certainty of it like the Queen.

"Sanitha" Draupadi began quietly looking at her husband for some time before turning to the elder girl, if one observed keenly it was hard to miss the mischievous tug at the corner of her blush pink lips partially hidden by her elaborate nose ring.

"Sanith don't you think" Draupadi continued stealing a fleeting glance at her husband who was playing with little Suritha's hair while still giving her rapt attention, "That Maharaj has simply made an excuse to not work on something as large as an headband but also could not understand how to end the weaving so continued until he figured out and it resulted in a bangle for me."

She could stop the chuckle from leaving her this time as the two little girls burst into peals of laughter while her husband near stupefied look did not good in her attempts to reign over her own trials at not laughing.


"That is not fair" Karna complained to be only met with giggles and muffled laughs, "I intended to make a bangle all the time."

"Then where are our bangles?" Suritha quipped in crossing her arms around her chest in childish indignation, "You did not make any for us Maharaj."

"Um I was going to make for you both too but I did not get the right flowers for you two" Karna said hitting upon the first excuse his mind could form, "My princesses command by virtue of their unparalleled grace and elegance unseen before in mankind, the finest of the finest."

A stifled laughter registered in his ear, the owner of which turned away her face to contain her mirth while two other pair of eyes, although blinking in incomprehension but also holding their subject in a still offended gaze.

"Children I think we should head back inside, the sun is heating up" Draupadi finally intervened on seeing her husband in the 'precarious situation' he had put himself in, "And lunch time is also nearing."

While the little party made its way indoors, this time the adults leading the children ahead unlike how they came sprinting to the garden some hours back, Draupadi's fingers could not stop themselves from making some discreet journeys to the floral bangle on her right wrist—nor did Karna's eyes not stop themselves from shooting keen find glances at it.


Draupadi pulled the blankets up closer to the chins of her little friends, now sleeping comfortably having had lunch and having their demand of seeing her husband's armour fulfilled.

"Maharaj we want to see the truth!"

Karna looked up from his desk both bemused and confused at the sudden command.

"Truth, little princess, what truth?" He asked in an animated tone while Suritha stretch her hands in the direction of his chest.

"Maharaj your glowing armour!" Sanitha said on behalf of her little sister who was too preoccupied making a heart melting pleading face.

"Oh my divine armour" Karna answered before a sly glint crossed his keen eyes "But it will emerge only when it perceives a threat to me."

"What? But from where do we get a threat for you Maharaj?" came Suritha's next question as she turned to her elder sister with a perplexed expression on her face.

"I do not know Suritha" came Sanitha's respose who shrugged followed by a low chuckle from the lady draped in red and gold standing behind them watching from a distance with an amused grin on her lips.

"Maharani!" the younger sister squealed, "You must know how to bring out the Mahraja's armour! You are queen! You have to!"

If not for Draupadi's own bewilderment at the abrupt request accompanied by the excited chattering and pleadings of the little girls she would have been certain of her ears registering a low whistle from her husband as he sat up more erect on the sandalwood and ivory chair.

"But how do I...?" the Queen of Anga's voice trailed off.

"Does it mean the fire born Yagyaseni is cannot do this simple task?" spoke up the only male voice of the chamber, a subtle smirk laden in the lips of the owner.

"What do you mean?" The Queen retorted back in her melodic calm voice, directly meeting the King's eyes on hers.

"Or should I conclude, this is a not so easy task to perform for the fierce Queen of Anga?"

"I thought it was unwise of a king to draw conclusions in haste without proper consideration."

A sword hanging down a round ornate shield encrusted on the wall found its way to the bejeweled hands shaped by holy flames of Gods.

"Or perhaps the King is simply seeking out his opponents weaknesses"

While Draupadi narrowed her eyes subtly throwing in a challenging gaze at her husband whose own eyes blinked a bit, as the lustrous blade his queen held on his shoulder. 



Hello everyone

So again very late but here I am.  Thought to portray some light moments before delving into the intense from the coming chapters.

And oh the long string of comments in the previous announcement! I laughed and smiled so bad! :D:D:D

I suspect the chapter is not as good as the earlier ones:( :( But I had to get writing to catch hold of the flow of the story.

Do tell me what you liked most and what you expect to happen next?! It would delight me to hear your views!! Thank you everyone for you constant support and showering your love on this story!:D:D:D❤❤

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