2. Changes

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"That is not unexpected of you Draupadi. Your pride is always intact isn't it?" Duryodhan began mockingly "But things don't change for me. She is independent and has to fend for herself. She is now left to the mercy of the world"

She could only glare but had to concede there was truth in what he said. A jolt of fear passed through her as she watched him approach her menacingly.

"But you know Draupadi there is a way out for you." He continued in a threatening voice.

She fully understood what he meant but all the unpleasant happenings had drained her both physically and emotionally. She stood helplessly at the closing figure of Duryodhan when it was obstructed. Karn stood with his back to her blocking Duryodhan.

"Yes. Yes she is independent but no she is not left to the mercy of this world. If she is willing, I will take her as the Queen of Anga, as my wife."

Another stunned silence followed. Karn slowly turned around and looked enquiringly at her.

She was lost for words. She knew it was an extremely generous offer and knew that in the situation she had few options. Everyone in the hall waited for her answer with baited breathes. She looked up at his eyes. They were a cloud of emotions. She could only nod in agreement.

The entire assembly gasped. From a corner of her eye she could see Kunti shake her head and the five Pandavas stare at her open mouthed. She was too tired.

"But... but my friend Karn, are you in your senses? She is now –" Duryodhan began.

"The future Queen of Anga" Karn cut him.

"But this woman had insulted you. How can you be so generous to her? She is nothing but a whore" Duryodhan continued undaunted.

"Enough Duryodhan. Don't you know when to stop?" Gandhari yelled at him furiously even before karna could reply.

"You will speak of Draupadi with respect. If my bow rises today then even I won't be able to suppress it Duryodhan, my friend" Karna spoke calmly and firmly before turning to Draupadi "Now Draupadi should I leave you to your personal chamber or with your mothers in law."

"To my personal chamber" she croaked out.

Karna nodded and gently escorted her away from the hall leaving the others gaping after them in silence.

Draupadi just walked on blindly wherever Karn led her to. It wasn't until all the maids ran up to her that she realized she had reached her chamber. They quickly led her fussing over her but she did not care. She noticed Karn having a few serious words with her head maid. She couldn't care. After all she had given him some rights over her and soon they would be married. She sighed.

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