71. Some Discomfiture and Laughter

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"Such a strange dream" she mumbled to herself before continuing in a more melancholic hollow voice, "Conditions—what else is left in my life now other than minding my limits— whatever did I do to deserve this..."

She stared blankly for sometime at one of the majestic windows, the scenery outside becoming visible every now and then with the curtains being blown apart by the strong winds.

'I should have heavier curtains brought out soon' she thought to herself, when her ears registered some distant sounds of laughter and excited chatter of girls mixed with a strong male one, most like from the corridors, drawing nearer slowly.

She blinked, shifting slightly, somehow being unable to move from her place, clutching at the pillows resting next to her in her. The pattering of feet came closer, while the Queen of Anga silently waited.

There was a commotion at the door before they creaked open, the next instance two smiling faces popped in. Draupadi involuntarily relaxed watching the joyous little figures and then her gaze trailed up to another face on a well built form towering over the two girls.

A soft smile adorned his lips while his eyes rippled in rarely seen playfulness. A steady and inconspicuous glint from the golden kundals(earrings) behind the damp softness of his smooth black hair falling around his face, had her attention transfixed on themselves.

Just then a small hand slipped into her own and two chirpy voices squealed beside her, eloquent of the unguardedness of childhood innocence and consequent lack of the superficial, artificial boundaries.

"Mahrani!" came a shrill, sweet call. Draupadi lips tugged up as her head turned to the bright eyes looking up at her from the chubby young face.

"Suritha" Draupadi said, stroking through her soft curly hair before placing a gentle finger under the chin of the older sister, "Sunitha"

"Maharani, see we came to you this time" Suritha giggled drawing closer to Draupadi "And we also got you your favourite flowers!"

"Last time, you picked only these, so we brought them for you" a calmer Sunitha said, opening a soft muslin pouch to reveal bright yellow marigolds.

"Thank you, Sunitha" Draupadi said happily bringing her into a hug, "I love them."

"Panchali, they came to meet me during my morning prayers and asked to see you" Karna interrupted, walking closer to them, "And I do not deny anyone whatever they ask for, especially during my morning prayers."

"I know" Draupadi said nodding, an unpredicted sense of pride ran through her at the thought of the widely renowned generosity of her husband.

"Maharani we are sorry for that day" Sunitha spoke up seriously, "We had no clue you both knew the rishi(sage) and did not like him. He told us he was your friend whom you met in Panchal and so..."

"It's alright girls, why are you both apologizing?" Draupadi intervened quickly unable to take in the somber expressions of the little ones whose delightful laughter had just crossed the thick walls separating the bedroom from the royal corridors.

"You did nothing wrong—"she continued.

"You are just like the Maharaj told us!" Suritha exclaimed excitedly looking between Draupadi and her elder sister, whoo too nodded vigorously.

"What did the Maharaj tell you both?" Draupadi asked slowly, discreetly looking up at her husband's direction from underneath her eyelashes.

"He said you are so kind and understanding, you had forgiven us long back" Suritha talked away happily before suddenly jumping down from the bed and dashing towards Karna "But Maharaj, you were partly wrong, she did not even blame us ever."

This time Karna stole a furtive glance at his wife, she was staring rather aimlessly in his direction. He could be sure she was not looking at him, not completely at least, and it discomfited him—the innumerable thoughts and memories her eyes housed and he being her husband was hardly aware of them.

He looked indulgently at Suritha instead, clutching lightly at his white dhoti (lower garment worn by men), before picking her up and placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

"My adorable little child" he said, smiling widely, "Your Maharani is very intelligent and kind..I told you that before, so her not even blaming you falls under that, so I was right."

Some muffled laughs from the remaining two occupants of the chamber followed.

"See Suritha, we both are so smart, both of them are laughing and giggling without any reason" Karna continued laughing, as he swung her up and then gently placed her back on the ground, "Now, we need to ready ourselves for the day, you both don't leave the Maharani or you might get lost in the palace."



Hello everyone

Another chapter after a long time. Thank you so much for patiently bearing with me :):)

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