18. A strange Feeling

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"Panchali where are you running to?" Karna asked gently grasping her elbow.

She had become used to his occasional touches now.

"Aarya, Navaratri is just round the corner. I have to oversee the preparations. The kitchen particularly needs my supervision now."

He smiled down at her contentedly.

"Um... Aarya, I have to go-"

"Oh yes... yes... Please go..." he fumbled as he let go off her.

He noticed a rather put off expression make way to her face before her usual controlled one as she proceeded her way.

"What did I do wrong?" he wondered staring after her disappearing figure.


"Maharani you seem lost."

If only one was watching keenly would they have noticed her startle ever so slightly.

"Bhumita the cares of a Maharani are innumerable. She does deserve to be lost in her own world sometimes."

Draupadi smiled mischievously making her and other maids giggle. Ever since the day she had been almost stripped in the royal assembly, a new sympathy had developed in her for the royal maids.

But yes, Bhumita was right. She was definitely not giving her undivided attention to the staff. The encounter with Karna was clouding her mind now. She unconsciously touched her elbow which he had just grasped. She had felt a sudden annoyance creep into her when Karna had simply let her go when she asked him to.

But why? She wondered.

'What else did you want Panchali?' She shook her head at that thought.

But the human mind is an entity which is near impossible to bring under control. When it decides to race who can stop it.

She recalled her swayamvar. Her heart beat faster when Angraj Karna effortlessly lifted the bow and took aim. His strong body and perfectly chiseled face glowed in the sunlight. Then for a tiny moment he lifted his eyes and for the fraction of a second she was captivated. But then almost immediately her father and Govind's discussion about her swayamvar and her own infatuation with Arjun brought her to reality.

"I am going to my private chambers. Please follow my instructions" she said standing up to leave.



"Yes Aarya" she said walking towards him. He had not revisited her private chambers after her first night in Anga when he had come to talk to her about building peace in their marriage. And now she was definitely surprised but also strangely excited.

"So Panchali tell me how has your day been?" he began as he walked her to a pretty couch near balcony.

"Hectic Aarya" she blushed slightly sitting down next to him. The dusk sky was dyed in pink and purple and a tinge of black had begun creeping in. The moon was on its waxing cycle and the stars had begun glittering the firmament.

"So has been mine."

"The representatives of a State seldom have days they can call stress-free Aarya."

Karna smiled down at her.

"Because it is their duty. Besides rebellion should not be unexpected of exploited masses, Panchali" he said softly "The sense of duty stemming from fear of masses is always far better than ..."

'Far better than that stemming for gratitude to an individual' he wanted to say but stopped.

"Aarya I don't think your sense of duty for the people of Anga stems from fear but rather from the strong desire of service and upliftment."

"It is my dharma..." he began shyly "Anyways Panchali, I am here now only for my wife, whom I could not give my time since morning."

She stared up at him as a yet again a strange feeling- call it excitement, fear, joy- began clouding her senses.

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